Stephen Colbert, SubGenius or SuperGenius?

Stephen Colbert, SubGenius or SuperGenius?:
The Church of the SubGenius
Hal Robins points out that Stephen Colbert has a hilarious article about The Church of the SubGenius on Wikiality (The Truthiness Encyclopedia), his spoof of Wikipedia. It appears that Stephen, who bears a striking resemblance to J.R. “Bob” Dobbs, considers himself more of a “SuperGenius”, rather than a plain old “SubGenius”.

Anyway, when the Internets came along, the Church of the SubGenius moved right along with it. Today, the image of J.R. “Bob” Dobbs is considered one of the four great centers of Internets blasphemy, along with liberalism, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and those Godless, heathen atheists. Many atheists have embraced SubGenius philosophies, but the Church has found an especially rich vein of followers among the ranks of Linux geeks, role-playing afficionados, comic book fans, porn stars, and other stay-at-home no-lifers. Sadly, these same Internets-Americans often tend toward Internets addiction (especially online gaming). It is through their addiction and/or recovery efforts that the Church of the SubGenius has taken hold online.

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