Language: Learn a language with Rosetta Stone

Language: Learn a language with Rosetta Stone:

Been meaning to do this, Have it for Mac too-MC
The Cool Tools weblog sings the praises of the Rosetta Stone Language Learning system, online or desktop software for getting fluent in a foreign tongue:

The genius of the process involves using pictures to teach you how to listen, speak, read, and write, rather than teaching by translation, as virtually all other language programs do. So as you learn your new language you associate the new words, phrases, and grammatical structures directly with the pictures rather than mentally translating through your native language. Using this method, most people can use a Rosetta Stone program regardless of native tongue, cutting out a major limitation of the translation-based language programs.

Several Lifehacker readers recommended Rosetta Stone in a recent language learning call for help, too. While it sounds effective, Rosetta ain’t cheap: the CD or online access ranges from $109-$339, depending on level and delivery method (Windows only update: and Mac, CD or online subscription.)

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