MGLP008_MGLP009_Jean _Pierre_Massiera
Month: June 2008
Space: House of Representatives Passes Bill to Protect Us from Asteroids
Space: House of Representatives Passes Bill to Protect Us from Asteroids: “House of Representatives Passes Bill to Protect Us from Asteroids”
Currently playing in iTunes: Polaroid/Roman/Photo by Ruth : Bruce Springsteen : Barack Obama Reveals His iPod Playlist: Jay-Z, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen … And Sheryl Crow? – Rhapsody Music Downloads : Bruce Springsteen : Barack Obama Reveals His iPod Playlist: Jay-Z, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen … And Sheryl Crow? – Rhapsody Music Downloads: “Barack Obama Reveals His iPod Playlist: Jay-Z, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen … And Sheryl Crow?”
Currently playing in iTunes: Fou Fou by Roedelius
Song Of The Day
Exclusive: No ice at the North Pole – Climate Change, Environment – The Independent
Flooded London photo exhibit
Domain Names: ICANN Opens Door For Crazy Domain Names Like Crap.Crap
Domain Names: ICANN Opens Door For Crazy Domain Names Like Crap.Crap: “ICANN has just made a decision that goes beyond allowing .xxx to be a top level domain; they’re allowing all words to be top level domains. That means you’re going to see domains like fuck.shit, shit.shit, shit.fuck, whatisthisshit.fuck,”
More mug shots
TG Daily – Affordable 150 MPG car coming soon
Hand crafted cassette tape lamp turns old tech into fresh lighting
Hand crafted cassette tape lamp turns old tech into fresh lighting: “Hand crafted cassette tape lamp turns old tech into fresh lighting”
(Via Engadget.)
As a business user how can I transition to Macs? Check out Apple’s free seminar
As a business user how can I transition to Macs? Check out Apple’s free seminar: “I finally switched my personal and business computers to Macs almost two years ago. I quickly realized that much of the concern I had about the Mac OS were unjustified. In making the transition the most important thing, I learned was not to treat my Mac like my Windows computers. They are different. It took me a few weeks before I felt comfortable with my 17? MacBook Pro and a few months after transitioning I wondered why it took me so long to make the switch?”
(Via The Apple Blog.)
Scientists say Martian soil could support life: Scientific American
Scientists say Martian soil could support life: Scientific American: “Scientists say Martian soil could support life”
The Raw Story | Kucinich: ‘We went to war for the oil companies’
The Raw Story | Kucinich: ‘We went to war for the oil companies’: “Kucinich: ‘We went to war for the oil companies'”
Team in Philadelphia aims to build modern, green, LEED certified homes for $100K |
Team in Philadelphia aims to build modern, green, LEED certified homes for $100K | “Team in Philadelphia aims to build modern, green, LEED certified homes for $100K”
Explosive Art: Explosive Art Created With Rocket Fuel, Gunpowder, Propellants and Bullets
Explosive Art: Explosive Art Created With Rocket Fuel, Gunpowder, Propellants and Bullets: “Explosive Art Created With Rocket Fuel, Gunpowder, Propellants and Bullets”
Chinese Man Pierced 2008 Times for Upcoming Olympics | Weird Asia News
Chinese Man Pierced 2008 Times for Upcoming Olympics | Weird Asia News: “Chinese Man Pierced 2008 Times for Upcoming Olympics”
Stephen Hawking’s explosive new theory – Telegraph
Stephen Hawking’s explosive new theory – Telegraph: “Stephen Hawking’s explosive new theory”
Macworld | Jury convicts Web site operator in P2P case
Macworld | Jury convicts Web site operator in P2P case: “Jury convicts Web site operator in P2P case”
McCain says only World War III would justify draft – Yahoo! News
Military probing amazing video | The Sun |HomePage|News
Military probing amazing video | The Sun |HomePage|News: “
A SHAKEN soldier told last night how he saw THIRTEEN UFOs spinning in the skies above his military barracks.”
Urban Sax promo DVD « Continuo’s weblog
Urban Sax promo DVD « Continuo’s weblog
Currently playing in iTunes: No Man Can Find the War by Tim Buckley
Full text: An epic Bill Gates e-mail rant
Full text: An epic Bill Gates e-mail rant: “Full text: An epic Bill Gates e-mail rant
Sometimes, software isn’t so magical. Even for Bill Gates.”
Currently playing in iTunes: departure by tigrics
Translated version of
Translated version of “”
Currently playing in iTunes: Diamond Diary by Tangerine Dream
DIY guitar picks
Flickr user Aud1073cH has a fine collection of handmade guitar picks. Personally, I’m a fan of bread picks, those little plastic things that keep loaf bags closed. Link (via MAKE: Blog)
(Via Boing Boing.)
Currently playing in iTunes: Filter Dub by Seefeel
Mind Control Cults
Timothy Leary MP3s
Timothy Leary MP3s: “We were recently sent some Tim Leary audiotapes to rip for easy download, but a cursory search for some of the titles turned up this Tim Leary archival site in Russia (, which has over two dozen different classic Tim recordings for download.
From Posted by jamesk.”
(Via DoseNation.)
Currently playing in iTunes: Marzipan by Cluster
Life in a Microcosmic World
Life in a Microcosmic World: “Life in a Microcosmic World”
Currently playing in iTunes: Fotschi Tong by Cluster
Privacy: What It’s Like To Fly With No ID Under The TSA’s New Regulations
Privacy: What It’s Like To Fly With No ID Under The TSA’s New Regulations: “Privacy: What It’s Like To Fly With No ID Under The TSA’s New Regulations”
Currently playing in iTunes: Fotschi Tong by Cluster
Reset OS X Password Without an OS X CD | The Apple Blog
Reset OS X Password Without an OS X CD | The Apple Blog: “Reset OS X Password Without an OS X CD”
Currently playing in iTunes: Caramba by Cluster
Put oil firm chiefs on trial, says leading climate change scientist | Environment | The Guardian
Put oil firm chiefs on trial, says leading climate change scientist | Environment | The Guardian: “Put oil firm chiefs on trial, says leading climate change scientist”
Currently playing in iTunes: Caramba by Cluster