Balloon animals from trash bags: Joshua Allen Harris


Balloon animals from trash bags: Joshua Allen Harris: “Street artist Joshua Allen Harris uses trash bags to make ‘balloon animals’ that inflate over subway grates throughout New York City, and NY Mag has a behind-the-scenes video on how he does it.

Street Art: Joshua Allen Harris
[ New York Magazine, thanks Jessica Coen and Glen E. Friedman ]

See also a related post on Laughing Squid from March, 2008.”

(Via Boing Boing.)

Currently playing in iTunes: Part 2 by Brume

Inquirer hack switches to Apple Mac: ‘Fed up with the absolute turd that is Windows Vista’


MacDailyNews – Inquirer hack switches to Apple Mac: ‘Fed up with the absolute turd that is Windows Vista’: “”Hell has finally frozen over,” Dean Pullen reports for The Inquirer. “This INQ hack has gone Mac. I’m now using a Macbook full-time and expect to be using a Macbook Pro when the (likely) August refresh occurs. I’m also buying a 3G Iphone in July.”

Currently playing in iTunes: Brave New World – Impressions On Reading Aldous Huxley – 01 – Prologue by Brave New World