[From The Reincarnation Station: Find out what you’ll be in your next life!]
Month: November 2008
» Biochemical Effects of Betrayal – Psych Central News
Meth found in boy’s Halloween bag – Life- msnbc.com
Crystal meth found in boy’s trick-or-treat bag
Minnesota police say drug given to 7-year-old was worth up to $200
UFO Photo Gallery Page 10
[From UFO Photo Gallery Page 10]
ATLAS of Plucked Instruments
[From ATLAS of Plucked Instruments]
Better Fonts – Thousands of Free Fonts for Instant Download!
Glossary of Technical Terms for Sound and PA Engineers – Dictionary of Electronic Terminology – A to Z listing
The Size Of Our World
The Size Of Our World
[From The Size Of Our World]
Death Trivia
[From Death Trivia]
Top 25 Censored Stories for 2007 | Project Censored
Project Censored
Thing in a Jar
[From Thing in a Jar]
MadTracker – VST Plugins
KenBrashear.com – Ken’s Virtual Drumkit
NickCiske.com | Binary – it’s digitalicious!
DECODE IT^^^^^^^^^
OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism
FOX using same attacks on Obama they used against Kerry
art.com artPad
[From art.com artPad]
TypeNow.net Themed Fonts Download Free Movie and Music Fonts
The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts
[From Mindfully.org]
FindSounds – Sound Types
Search the Web for Sounds[From FindSounds – Sound Types]
dictionary of street drug ( cannabis, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, et al. ) slang
Drug Slang
[From argot .com : dictionary of street drug ( cannabis, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, et al. ) slang]
Jackson Pollock by Miltos Manetas
[From LOL@McCain]
If Obama had campaigned like McCain…
Get your booze tonight
#3 Election Day Alcohol Sales Bans
7 States prohibit the sale of alcohol on state and national Election Days. This restriction is a relic of the Prohibition era when saloons sometimes served as polling stations. The only states that still cling to statewide Election Day sales bans of alcohol at restaurants, bars and package stores are Kentucky, Indiana and South Carolina. Utah and West Virginia still ban the sale of alcohol at package stores on Election Day. Alaska and Massachusetts also ban Election Day alcohol sales, except that local governments are authorized to provide an exemption from the ban.
Yonac Software
miniSynth is Released
[From Yonac Software ]
Electric Pacer
Electric Pacer [From Electric Pacer]
Outrage over ‘chastity belt’ lingerie fitted with GPS tracking system | Mail Online
Outrage over ‘chastity belt’ lingerie fitted with GPS tracking system [From Outrage over ‘chastity belt’ lingerie fitted with GPS tracking system | Mail Online]
WFMU’s Beware of the Blog: Harmonia live at All Tomorrow’s Parties on WFMU (mp3s)
NOVEMBER 03, 2008Harmonia live at All Tomorrow’s Parties on WFMU (mp3s) [From WFMU’s Beware of the Blog: Harmonia live at All Tomorrow’s Parties on WFMU (mp3s)]