Brain-Enhancing Drugs: Legalize ‘Em, Scientists Say
By Brandon Keim December 10, 2008 | 4:09:39 PMCategories: Medical Ethics, Medicine & Medical Procedures, Mental HealthIf drugs can safely give your brain a boost, why not take them? And if you don’t want to, why stop others? In an era when attention-disorder drugs are regularly — and illegally — being used for off-label purposes by people seeking a better grade or year-end job review, these are timely ethical questions. The latest answer comes from Nature, where seven prominent ethicists and neuroscientists recently published a paper entitled, “Towards a responsible use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by the healthy.” In short: Legalize ’em. “Mentally competent adults,” they write, “should be able to engage in cognitive enhancement using drugs.” Roughly seven percent of all college students, and up to 20 percent of scientists, ha [From Brain-Enhancing Drugs: Legalize ‘Em, Scientists Say | Wired Science from]
Listened to: Schwebebahn from the album “Hoelderlin” by Hoelderlin