Pixelsatanexhibition.com – Art of the iPhone

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“Our fine arts were developed, their types and uses were established, in times very different from the present, by men whose power of action upon things was insignificant in comparison with ours. But the amazing growth of our techniques, the adaptability and precision they have attained, the ideas and habits they are creating, make it a certainty that profound changes are impending in the ancient craft of the Beautiful. —Paul Valéry, Aesthetics

[From Pixelsatanexhibition.com – Art of the iPhone]

One thought on “Pixelsatanexhibition.com – Art of the iPhone”

  1. Thanks for the mention! Any chance you could credit the photo to Suzan Mikiel Kennedy? If you are in the SF Bay Area, I hope you can make it to the gallery show @ Jack London Square. Thanks again! -Knox

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