Can you steal a few hairs from a racehorse and clone your own? – Holy Kaw!


Can you steal a few hairs from a racehorse and clone your own? – Holy Kaw!: “A successful cloning procedure would give you a genetic double of the target, minus the su­bject’s accumulated memories and learned responses. To make your fast, underhanded fortune in the cloning business, you’d need to find an established, high-paying market for genetic material. Look no farther than professional horseracing.

There’s an enormous amount of money to be made in breeding the next Triple Crown winner. Take 2000 Kentucky Derby winner Fusaichi Pegasus for example. The racing stallion sold for a record $60 million following his win, and his genetic material is about as top-shelf as it gets. His stud fee is currently $150,000. That’s some pretty expensive semen.

But what if you could cut out the middlemen? By stealing a few hairs from a horse like Fusaichi Pegasus, couldn’t you do one better and simply produce the champion’s exact genetic double?”


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