MUTANT SOUNDS: “To accompany our share of side A of the brand new VDO LP ‘Ninth Ward Fourth World’, it seemed apropos to also unleash this, the first of two collaborations VDO undertook with Christopher Moock (the second being the Vas Dererens Organization & Christopher-Suspension LP on Beta-Lactam Ring) prior to Messr. Moock joining VDO officially some 5 years back, casting as it does some light on how Chris and his sensibility slot into the mix. In truth though, much of this particular release could also be viewed as a Muz and Christopher collaboration, as aside from the last third of side B, I’m wholly absent from this one, these recordings having come together very rapidly over these course of a weekend while I was away, with Miasmata principally consisting of Matt manipulating and building out material submitted by Chris and my coming in on the end stretch and adding a cherry on top. The results sit midway between the sustained amniotic electronic probings of Matt’s eponymous first Muz LP, the krautrock-indebted jamming periodically heard our collaborations with Brad Laner and a sorta swarming avant garde-ish synth-y symphonism suggestive of The Legendary Pink Dots.
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