Out Here – Page 1 – Music – Dallas – Dallas Observer: “MIT consists of Mazinga Phaser leader Wanz Dover, Ohm’s Doug Ferguson, and the Vas Deferens Organization’s Matt Castille and Eric Lumbleau. Unlike Bedhead, these guys are unabashed machine musicians with absolutely no tendency toward pop song structure. That said, Musik von Tone Float is one of the warmest and friendliest examples of this kind of music you’re likely to encounter; the VDO crew in particular did an excellent job of subduing its impulses toward confrontational freakiness. We’re definitely in the realm of soundtrack here, running the gamut from random noises shooting through space (‘tonight we sleep with the eggroll king’) to slowly-building tribal stomps (‘millipede’), but the whole trip is quite seamlessly constructed. A fascinating peek in a surprising direction.
–Matt Weitz”