Fox LA Reporter Hits New Low in #OccupyLA Coverage | Crooks and Liars

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Fox LA Reporter Hits New Low in #OccupyLA Coverage | Crooks and Liars: “This is Fox 11’s Gigi Graciette. Gigi doesn’t cover Dodger games or the Rose Parade by mentioning the debris discarded by attendees, but apparently that’s how she covers a international protest’s local chapter: they have trash left behind after they’ve been arrested en masse. Gross trash, too. Way to inform the public. No question as to why 292 Angelenos all but volunteered to be arrested last night. No mention of what nonviolent struggle has accomplished in American history (ahem civil rights). No mention of the cruel irony of the protesters getting evicted because they brought homeless people to the steps of City Hall instead of the usual safe distance of two blocks east. No mention of the politics involved and how the City decided to support the protest, then negotiated with them and then suddenly reneged – made apparent by the 1400 LAPD officers in riot helmets on the streets of Los Angeles last night.

But here’s the thing that really makes this clip disgusting from a basic journalism perspective: Gigi doesn’t know and didn’t find out what that mysterious white liquid was in those water bottles before she reported on them. She didn’t know and instead of being hesitant to make accusations or start any rumors – she just does it without pause. I saw her there at around 11pm – she was there all night and never asked anyone what it was before she went live?! You’re supposed to know MORE than the people on their couches watching you – because you’re on the scene! This is hackery at its worse.

The white liquid is more than likely Maloxx. They had it on site because it is supposed to neutralize the pain of pepper spray and tear gas. Yes, there’s a story – there were hundreds of Angelenos willing to be pepper sprayed for a political statement. They were (their phrase) militantly nonviolent and had been spending days training and planning to be raided by police and THAT is what that mysterious white liquid symbolized – that’s what it meant. They were willing, to quote Mario Savio “put their bodies upon the gears.”

Since I will always assume the best in people, I will guess it’s just laziness. Just not caring about telling a real story about Occupy LA and opting for the easy “look at the stuff on the ground” to fill up airtime. I say laziness and not incompetence or malice. But I’m feeling generous today.”


British Director Ken Russell Dies Aged 84 – The Hollywood Reporter

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British Director Ken Russell Dies Aged 84 – The Hollywood Reporter: “LONDON – Iconic British filmmaker Ken Russell has died aged 84. OUR EDITOR RECOMMENDS

‘The Devils’ With Oliver Reed and Vanessa Redgrave Scares Up U.K. DVD Release Reports of his death broke across the Internet  early Monday in the U.K. Russell’s friend, arts writer, novelist and columnist Norman Lebrecht, said a family friend told him of Russell’s death on Sunday morning. The filmmaker is reported to have died peacefully in his sleep.”


U.S. Patent Office Honors Steve Jobs with iPhone-Shaped Exhibit

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U.S. Patent Office Honors Steve Jobs with iPhone-Shaped Exhibit: “The late Steve Jobs has been hailed as a brilliant businessman, marketer, and visionary. He was also an prolific inventor, if the number of patents bearing his name are any indication.

No less than 323 Apple patents list Jobs among the inventors responsible for them. Now the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is honoring the Apple founder with a dedicated exhibit.”


Reclaimed Farmhouse Beams Made Into Eclectic “Farmpunk” Furniture : TreeHugger


Reclaimed Farmhouse Beams Made Into Eclectic “Farmpunk” Furniture : TreeHugger: “For those who find the relentless uniformity of modern, mass-produced furniture tedious (and not to mention environmentally unfriendly), there’s always the option of furnishings that are made from recycled materials, like these pieces by the resourceful American trio Unite Two Design. Combining unlikely elements of rustic with the industrial, Unite Two Design’s distinctive furniture is handcrafted from farm beams that are reclaimed locally, and odds and ends of industrial machinery. Calling their unique, juxtaposed style “farmpunk”, it’s cool to see that sometimes each component can hail from different centuries altogether. “

Shepard Fairey Designs ‘Occupy Hope’ Poster, Replaces Obama’s Face With ‘V for Vendetta’ Mask – Los Angeles News – The Informer

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Shepard Fairey Designs ‘Occupy Hope’ Poster, Replaces Obama’s Face With ‘V for Vendetta’ Mask – Los Angeles News – The Informer: “Here we go again. L.A. street artist Shepard Fairey has released a second original design for the Occupy Wall Street movement — and this time, instead of playing it safe with a wistful scene out of an Angela Davis documentary, he’s given his own (in)famous HOPE poster from Obama’s first election campaign a rebellious makeover.”

Triangle-Headed Alien Mummy discovered in Peru — we’re not alone!


Triangle-Headed Alien Mummy discovered in Peru — we’re not alone!: “Triangle-Headed Alien Mummy discovered in Peru — we’re not alone!

Triangle-Headed Alien Mummy discovered in Peru — we’re not alone! Behold a giant-headed alien mummy that turned up in Peru. Stare into the all-knowing eye sockets of an alien that somehow wound up on Earth many years ago, and was mummified by the locals. But what was is it doing here?”


World Map Made from Recycled Computers (7 Pictures) > Design und so, Netzkram, Sculptures, urban art > components, macs, old compoter, pcs, university, world map

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World Map Made from Recycled Computers (7 Pictures) > Design und so, Netzkram, Sculptures, urban art > components, macs, old compoter, pcs, university, world map: “Besser kann man alte Computer-Kompenenten vermutlich nicht recyclen: die britische Künstlerin Susan Stockwell hat diese riesige Weltkarte aus alten Motherboards, Verkabelung, Ventilatoren, Platinen und Whatnots für die University of Bedfordshire zusammengebastelt. 2010 hat sie mit dem Sammeln begonnen und ist jetzt gerade fertig geworden. Papier kann sie übrigens auch.

“UK-based artist Susan Stockwell recently completed this gigantic world map made from recycled computer components for the University of Bedfordshire.””


The Top 10 Banned books of all time – ShortLists – ShortList Magazine

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The Top 10 Banned books of all time – ShortLists – ShortList Magazine: “1. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1932)

The gist: Written in 1931 and published a year later, Huxley’s parody of H. G. Wells’ utopian future in his novel, Men Like Gods isn’t wholly dissimilar to George Orwell’s 1984. Addressing the period’s core theme of industrialisation, Huxley explored the loss of identity and increasing dividision of society to devastating effect.

Why was it banned? Initially, Ireland pulled it off the shelves for its controversial themes on child birth, before several states in the US tried to have it removed from school curriculums due to its “themes on negativity.”


Zombie-Proof House Keeps the Walking Dead and Jehovah’s Witnesses at Bay | The Last Goddess Magazine

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Zombie-Proof House Keeps the Walking Dead and Jehovah’s Witnesses at Bay | The Last Goddess Magazine: ““The Safe House,” designed by KWK Promes, is the perfect house for anyone who fears attack by zombies, Jehovah’s Witnesses or Mormons.

Located in Poland, by day the house is a two-story concrete cube, with 6,100 square feet of spacious living areas, floor to ceiling windows, panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, and a beautiful indoor swimming pool.

But by night, or in the event of a zombie or creepy religious fanatic attack, heavy doors and shutters slide closed, providing “maximum security” for the people hunkered down inside.

It isn’t the most beautiful design in the world, but when the zombiepocalypse comes it may very well be where mankind makes its last stand.”


ALTERED ZONES – Vas Deferens Organization: “Defenestration At The Gravity Pit”

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ALTERED ZONES – Vas Deferens Organization: “Defenestration At The Gravity Pit”: “In Eric Lumbleau’s recent piece for The Wire’s Collateral Damage column, the Mutant Sounds writer weighs in on the effects of file sharing on the underground music timeline. Forgetten outsider gems are gaining exposure to a new and surprisingly willing audience via torrents or mp3 blogs like Lumbleau’s own, allowing everyone to be their own curator, to write alternative musical histories based on what resonates with them in the now

Though Dallas’ Vas Deferens Organization, Lumbleau’s band, have a varied and prolific output, it’s safe to assume that their own musical timeline would give due props to veteran freaks like Captain Beefheart, The Residents, or Throbbing Gristle. In “Defenestration at the Gravity Pit,” the opening track from their latest Eye Peels And Brain Picks LP, this goofball approach to psychedelia manifests itself as a collagist, peyote-fueled soundtrack for your ritualistic mating dance. –Matt Sullivan, Altered Zones

Eye Peels And Brain Picks is sold out on Puer Gravy, but Side A is available as a free download”


Vas Deferens Organization and Brad Laner – “Transcontinental Conspiracy”-Reviewed by Jerry Kranitz


Vas Deferens Organization and Brad Laner – “Transcontinental Conspiracy”: “Headed up by Matt Castille and Eric Lumbleau, Vas Deferens Organization’s history dates back to the mid-1990s and includes a sizable discography. Summary descriptions of the band can’t possibly do them justice, but put a gun to my head and I’ll say – imagine if The Residents listened to 100 of the best Psychedelic, Krautrock, Prog, Experimental, and 80s Hometaper albums, and then started making albums based on their digestion and regurgitation of all those albums… and you might get something like Vas Deferens Organization (VDO).”

Vas Deferens Organization – “Eye Peels & Brain Picks”-Reviewed by Jerry Kranitz


Vas Deferens Organization – “Eye Peels & Brain Picks”: “Last year’s Ninth Ward Fourth World LP marked the first Vas Deferens Organization (VDO) album in nine years (see AI #42), and now the band are back with a new set – Eye Peels & Brain Picks – once again featuring the trio of Matt Castille, Eric Lumbleau and Christopher Moock.”

Yelp Update Makes Fun Of Rick Perry’s Debate Flub In App Update


Yelp Update Makes Fun Of Rick Perry’s Debate Flub In App Update: “At the GOP debate in Detroit, Republican presidential nominee Rick Perry committed a memorable gaffe when he claimed that he would eliminate three government agencies and was only able to name two, totally brain-farting on the third (Read all about it and watch the cringe-inducing video of Perry’s flub here).

Now, the day after, the local guide Yelp is mocking this political brain-fart in their iOS app update.

“There are three types of bugs that are now gone,” the update says:”