ALTERED ZONES – Vas Deferens Organization: “Defenestration At The Gravity Pit”

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ALTERED ZONES – Vas Deferens Organization: “Defenestration At The Gravity Pit”: “In Eric Lumbleau’s recent piece for The Wire’s Collateral Damage column, the Mutant Sounds writer weighs in on the effects of file sharing on the underground music timeline. Forgetten outsider gems are gaining exposure to a new and surprisingly willing audience via torrents or mp3 blogs like Lumbleau’s own, allowing everyone to be their own curator, to write alternative musical histories based on what resonates with them in the now

Though Dallas’ Vas Deferens Organization, Lumbleau’s band, have a varied and prolific output, it’s safe to assume that their own musical timeline would give due props to veteran freaks like Captain Beefheart, The Residents, or Throbbing Gristle. In “Defenestration at the Gravity Pit,” the opening track from their latest Eye Peels And Brain Picks LP, this goofball approach to psychedelia manifests itself as a collagist, peyote-fueled soundtrack for your ritualistic mating dance. –Matt Sullivan, Altered Zones

Eye Peels And Brain Picks is sold out on Puer Gravy, but Side A is available as a free download”


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