Marijuana Decriminalization: Efforts To Relax Pot Rules Gaining Momentum In U.S.


Marijuana Decriminalization: Efforts To Relax Pot Rules Gaining Momentum In U.S.: “Catharine Leach is married and has two boys, age 2 and 8. She has a good job with a federal contractor and smokes pot most every day.

While she worries that her public support for marijuana decriminalization and legalization could cost her a job or bring the police to her door, the 30-year-old Warwick resident said she was tired of feeling like a criminal for using a drug that she said is far less harmful than the glass or wine or can of beer enjoyed by so many others after a long day’s work. Like others around the nation working to relax penalties for possession of pot, she decided to stop hiding and speak out.”

(Via .)

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