Sarah Palin is, by all indications, a bonafide hooplehead — so dangerously out of her depth and so delusional that she is in total denial about the real-world ramifications of her ineptitude. Instead, she’s excusing her embarrassing television interviews and farcical candidacy as an historical breakthrough for “normal Joe Six-pack Americans.” Of course this is great news for the 27 percent who think Bushie is still doing a heckuva job, and for anyone who wants to be president but doesn’t want to go through all of that hard work and fancy book-learnin’ to get there. But if there’s one thing the history of this decade has taught us, it’s that we should vigorously ignore the 27-percent-Bushies at all hazards — or at least we shouldn’t be encouraging them, as the McCain-Palin ticket appears to be doing.