Drumbeats: The Tech Press Turns on Microsoft’s Ballmer – Newsweek


Microsoft has a problem—a big one. The problem is not just that its CEO, Steve Ballmer, has had a disastrous 10-year run. That’s been obvious for a while now, as I first pointed out last October in a piece titled “The Lost Decade—Why Steve Ballmer is no Bill Gates.”
It even prompted me to predict, last fall, that Ballmer would get pushed out of Microsoft this year.

That wasn’t a popular position at the time. Microsoft’s head of PR called my piece a “hit job on Steve,” and told me all the ways I was wrong and stupid and off the mark. Then he pretty much stopped communicating with me.
I figured he was just in denial, or maybe just saying what he needed to say because he was getting paid to say it.
But my goodness, how much difference a year makes—because these days everyone seems to be piling on Ballmer. And that poor PR guy has a much bigger problem on his hands.

[From Drumbeats: The Tech Press Turns on Microsoft’s Ballmer – Newsweek]

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