The world’s weirdest museums – Destinations- “The world’s weirdest museums
Frightening, humorous, skin curdling and simply bizarre exhibitions”
Currently playing in iTunes: T.L.C by Visible
The world’s weirdest museums – Destinations- “The world’s weirdest museums
Frightening, humorous, skin curdling and simply bizarre exhibitions”
Currently playing in iTunes: T.L.C by Visible
Olympic Committee accepts China’s Internet-access assurances: “Olympic Committee accepts China’s Internet-access assurances
IOC satisfied that Beijing will keep Internet unblocked during games”
Currently playing in iTunes: 01 Do The Strand by Roxy Music
81 percent of Americans think country on wrong track | Reuters: “81 percent of Americans think country on ‘wrong track'”
Currently playing in iTunes: Oxygene (Part II) by Señor Coconut
Inventor proclaims laziness, shows off self-making bed: “It’s one thing to exemplify laziness; it’s another to buck the habit just long enough to invent something to keep you idler, longer. Enter Enrico Berruti, an everyday fellow who has created something that almost anyone with a bed could see as useful. His Selfy bed, quite simply, uses a variety of moving parts, bars and linens to make itself at the push of a button. To be fair, Mr. Berruti was thinking of disabled individuals who would have a difficult time making their own traditional bed when conjuring this thing up, but he didn’t hesitate to mention his own indolence as motivation. Hopefully there’s some kind of safety feature to prevent users from accidentally activating the thing while they’re still snoozing — can’t imagine that being any “
(Via Engadget.)
Currently playing in iTunes: I Like You! by arthur russell
ABC News: RIP Record Labels — Death by Digital?
Currently playing in iTunes: I Like You! by arthur russell
Feds lie about link between software piracy and terrorism | Computerworld Blogs: “Feds lie about link between software piracy and terrorism”
Currently playing in iTunes: W32.Mydoom.Au@mm by AFX
Comcast launches 50Mbps broadband… for $150 per month: “Comcast launches 50Mbps broadband… for $150 per month”
Currently playing in iTunes: W32.Mydoom.Au@mm by AFX
Awesome Or Off-Putting: Bigfoot Molests A Pervert (With Video) – Hecklerspray: Music, Movies, TV, Celebs, Games and Gossip: “Awesome Or Off-Putting: Bigfoot Molests A Pervert (With Video)”
Currently playing in iTunes: Balm In Gilead/Swing Low, Sweet Chariot by Galás, Diamanda
Cubans on new freedoms: ‘We’ll see how far we go’ –
Currently playing in iTunes: The Bath Of Surprise – 12 – Mr by beresford, steve
Teleportation, time travel and aliens – a vision of tomorrow today | Science | The Guardian: “Teleportation, time travel and aliens – a vision of tomorrow today”
Currently playing in iTunes: Untitled Komposition VII by Machinic Indices
Native Instruments releases GUITAR RIG 3.1 | MacMinute News: “Native Instruments releases GUITAR RIG 3.1”
Currently playing in iTunes: Untitled Komposition IV by Machinic Indices
ABC News: Democratic Campaign Claims Don’t Hold Up: “Clinton, Obama Claims Don’t Hold Up”
Currently playing in iTunes: Untitled Komposition III by Machinic Indices
Mac marketshare explodes, hits 21 per cent in US – Mac – Macworld UK: “Mac marketshare explodes, hits 21 per cent in US”
Currently playing in iTunes: Kenen maa by Islaja
Treasury says Bear Stearns deal ‘necessary’ to maintain financial stability: “Treasury says Bear Stearns deal ‘necessary’ to maintain financial stability”
Currently playing in iTunes: Stay With Me Tonight by Alex Fergusson
Cannabis should be reclassified, Brown says – Telegraph: “Gordon Brown today gave his backing for cannabis to be reclassified as a more serious drug later this month in a move that will reverse its downgrading by his predecessor.”
Currently playing in iTunes: Being Boiled by The Human League
Bush administration: Fourth Amendment doesn’t apply to domestic military operations: “Danny sez, ‘Following on from the memo allowing torture overseas, Kurt Opsahl from EFF has spotted a footnoted reference to a memo from the Administration that says ‘our Office recently concluded that the Fourth Amendment had no application to domestic military operations.’
So, if you’re abroad and deemed an enemy combatant you can be tortured. If you’re in the US, and you’re caught up in a ‘military operation’, you lose the bill of rights. Where exactly is the constitution supposed to apply?’
(Thanks, Danny!)
(Via Boing Boing.)
House members urge Bush to skip Olympics – “updated 7:51 a.m. EDT, Wed April 2, 2008
House members urge Bush to skip Olympics”
Currently playing in iTunes: Schulz01 – DasLiedVomSchrei by RolfSchulz
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Astronomers see ‘youngest planet’: “An embryonic planet detected outside our Solar System could be less than 2,000 years old, astronomers say.”
Currently playing in iTunes: Schulz01 – DasLiedVomSchrei by RolfSchulz
Hybrids Are All the Rage — But Try Buying One | Autopia from “Hybrids Are All the Rage — But Try Buying One”
Olympic committee to China: Don’t forget to open the ‘Net: “
China has been making headlines lately for its increased filtering of the Internet in light of unrest in Tibet, but the International Olympic Committee is reminding China that it needs to open things up as part of the requirements of an Olympic host.
(Via Ars Technica.)
Is peer-to-peer downloading just digital gluttony?: “Is peer-to-peer downloading just digital gluttony?
Currently playing in iTunes: I Pity Inanimate Objects by Godley – Creme
Something Rotten With Apple – Download Squad
Currently playing in iTunes: I Pity Inanimate Objects by Godley – Creme
Is Mike Myers’ new film asking for trouble? –
Currently playing in iTunes: I Pity Inanimate Objects by Godley – Creme
Rezko trial uncovers drug-fueled party days: “For those of you following the US political race you might know about Tony Rezko, a Chicago political fundraiser linked to the Obama campaign, and his ongoing fraud trial. What you may not know is that his partner in crime, Stuart P. Levine, was a first-class head who liked to party down at drug orgies, as recent court testimony confirms:
Gosh, that doesn’t sound familiar at all. At least he picked the good drugs.Levine focused a harsh spotlight on decades of taking marijuana, cocaine, quaaludes, LSD, Ecstasy, crystal methamphetamine and ketamine, which goes under the street name Special K.
He said he took the drugs once or twice a month, mainly at parties with unspecified male friends. They brought the drugs and he would buy, often paying about $1,000, he said. When in town, the parties would often take place in a suburban rendezvous ‘that came to be known as the purple hotel,’ Levine testified. … Levine testified that his parties started in the morning and lasted until evening when he would go home as if he’d spent a hard day at the office. ‘To deceive my family,’ he testified.
From Posted by jamesk.”
(Via DoseNation.)
Currently playing in iTunes: Golgatha and the circle closes by Edgar Froese
Mile-high tower: Saudi prince promises £5bn desert spire TWICE as tall as nearest rival being built | the Daily Mail: “Mile-high tower: Saudi prince promises £5bn desert spire TWICE as tall as nearest rival being built”
Currently playing in iTunes: Cymbaline by Pink Floyd