An ‘Astounding Time’ for Planetary Discoveries – “An ‘Astounding Time’ for Planetary Discoveries”
An ‘Astounding Time’ for Planetary Discoveries – “An ‘Astounding Time’ for Planetary Discoveries”
Bag Embossed With Gun Shape by Vlieger & Vandam: “
A few weeks back at ETech, I was hanging out with Phillip Torrone who was sporting his ‘Guardian Angel’ bag by Vlieger & Vandam that is embossed with the shape of a gun. Here’s a photo of Violet Blue modeling Phil’s bag.
They also make bags embossed with knives and Dachshund shaped bags.
David Pescovitz noticed the bag as well and posted about it on Boing Boing.
photo by Scott Beale
(Via Laughing Squid.)
South Park: Every South Park Ever Online for Free (Legally!): “Taking a page out of the Hulu playbook, but awesomer, the South Park guys are streaming every single South Park episode in full at their official site, South Park Studios. What they get right: Streams are fast and vid quality is solid; every episode, from first to most recent is available (with one exception); and newer ones are uncensored. Yep, you actually get to hear your favorite childrens scream ‘What the fuck is going on?’ in the Britney ep. Major point of suck: ads.
They’re mercifully short, but you get hit with about three per episode (marked by the little white lines in the timeline), though you have a limited ability to jump around the ep to sorta avoid them. Still, they’re less intrusive than the pop-ups that assault you at or the like. Which is probably a big part of why they’re doing this—the online audience for South Park is huge, with lots of sites streaming eps and major torrent traffic. So why not get a slice of that ad revenue?
Ads are going to be a part of any free TV online equation, unfortunately. So are rights issues—for some reason the Britney ep is already available, but the first episode of the current season won’t be up until April. WTF? But all in all, they get it as right as an official channel can for the time being, which looks startlingly like a glimpse at the future of TV. Update: Another reason living in Canada sucks: No access for Canadians. [South Park Studios]”
Minnesota’s drug-addled Senate race
: “
It seems that Coleman, who favors harsh drug laws, has also done his share of drugs:
And while this news is many months old, Kent expands on this statement in a short article in this month’s Radar magazine, claiming Coleman ‘smoked and tripped his way through college’ and that pot was the least of drugs he may have gotten into, including ‘Acid! LSD!’, according to Kent. Coleman is, of course, keeping very quiet about this. In contrast Franken has been quite open about his drug use in the past:Norm Kent, a former classmate of U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman at Hofstra University, posted a letter on a marijuana website about Coleman’s marijuana use in the 1960s. Kent, whom Coleman defeated in a student government race at the university, recalled an instance when the New York-born Coleman stood atop a building during a protest and smoked marijuana.
Cocaine at 3 am while trying to stay awake and write sketch comedy? Indefensible. Also, as a side note, Al Franken once suggested (on live radio) that in order to solve the world’s conflicts the entire UN should be shuttled to the international space station and forced to eat LSD while looking down at the Earth. Now that’s someone I could vote for.‘There’d be cocaine around the show (SNL) and if it was [mid-week] at 3 in the morning and I wanted to finish something I was writing I’d do some.’
From Posted by jamesk.”
(Via DoseNation.)
World Psychedelic Forum this week
Any DoseNation readers headed to the World Psychedelic Forum in Basel, Switzerland? If so, drop us a line and let us know what you think. The line up of speakers and topics certainly looks promising.
From Posted by Scotto.”
(Via DoseNation.)
Back before the first season of the original Doctor Who aired on the BBC, the producers had some pretty crazy ideas about what direction to take the show, including this one which appeared in 44-year-old production meeting notes:
Wait a minute… people are getting ‘kicks’ out of LSD? I thought ‘hell and dank horror’ was the whole point.‘The metaphysical change which takes place over 500 years or so is a horrifying experience … in which he relives some of the unendurable moments of his long life.
‘It’s as if he has had the LSD drug and instead of experiencing the kicks, he has the hell and dank horror which can be its effect.’
From Posted by Scotto.”
(Via DoseNation.)
Firedoglake » Bush Hands Out Jobs. Overseas: “Bush Hands Out Jobs. Overseas”
Currently playing in iTunes: Track 06 by Tasaday
Ed Force One, The Iron Maiden Boeing 757: “
Ed Force One is a wonderful customized Boeing 757 owned by the British heavy metal band Iron Maiden, which they use to transport the band, 60 member crew and 12 tons of equipment as they tour the world. It’s named after Iron Maiden’s infamous mummy mascot ‘Eddie’ and is piloted by Iron Maiden lead singer Bruce Dickinson.
(Via Laughing Squid.)
Not to be outdone by other hipper programs, the writers for HBO’s Entourage (a guilty pleasure) will be including this gem in the new fall season:
I find this personally interesting because in my college years I had the opportunity to go to Joshua Tree tripping on shrooms many times. My most significant Joshua Tree trip revelation: Water is Life!The boys trek to Mexico and Joshua Tree National Park, where they?ll eat some psychedelic mushrooms and try to find themselves. It?s one of my favorite episodes. It?s their Into the Wild trip.
From Posted by jamesk.”
(Via DoseNation.)
Macworld | Sony charges $50 to remove laptop bloatware: “Sony is offering to remove some of the trial software it crams onto the hard disks of new laptops — for a fee.
Buyers of the configure-to-order versions of its Vaio TZ2000 and Vaio TZ2500 laptops can opt to have Sony remove the some of its own applications, in addition to trial software and games.”
Currently playing in iTunes: Krig by Verto
US customs bar fashionista druggie writer for “moral turpitude”: “Sebastian Horley, a British author whose book, Dandy in the Underworld recounts his life of ‘sex, drugs and finely tailored clothes’ has been barred from entering the US for a book tour, on the grounds of ‘moral turpitude.’
On the one hand, this is a PR win for Horley, who’ll probably sell a crapload of books on the back of this, but on the other hand, does US customs really think that Americans aren’t capable of hearing some fashionista recount his drug stories without falling into a pit of dissolute decadence?
British writer and self-styled dandy Sebastian Horsley was denied entry to the United States after arriving to promote his memoir of sex, drugs and flamboyant fashion.
Sebastian Horsley was deemed ‘not admissible’ by U.S. customs agents.
Horsley said he was questioned for eight hours Tuesday by border officials at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey before being denied entry on grounds of ‘moral turpitude.’
The 45-year-old author was traveling to New York for the U.S. launch of ‘Dandy in the Underworld,’ his account of a life dedicated to sex, drugs and finely tailored clothes.
‘I was dressed flamboyantly — top hat, long velvet coat, gloves,’ Horsley said. ‘My one concession to American sensibilities was to remove my nail polish. I thought that would get me through.’
(Via Boing Boing.)
You Suck at Photoshop #9 – Curves | Laughing Squid: “You Suck at Photoshop #9 – Curves”
Funny thing is, I know people like that! Been in the industry too long.-MC
Currently playing in iTunes: clara mondshine – high moon enters heaven by Clara Mondshine – New Hampshire news – Marijuana vote draws fire – Thursday, Mar. 20, 2008: “Marijuana vote draws fire
New Hampshire Union Leader
Thursday, Mar. 20, 2008
MANCHESTER – Mayor Frank Guinta has asked state Rep. David Scannell to resign as spokesman for the Manchester school district after Scannell voted Tuesday to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana.”
Currently playing in iTunes: clara mondshine – high moon enters heaven by Clara Mondshine
YouTube – Apple Web Ad: Bad Vista reviews, Get a Mac: “”
Currently playing in iTunes: clara mondshine – o queen of samba by Clara Mondshine
AlterEgo 1.2 – New visual effects for Photo Booth and iChat. (Shareware): “
AlterEgo brings stunning new visual effects to Photo Booth and iChat on your mac.
AlterEgo adds 36 visual effects that make Photo Booth and iChat even more fun.
Easy to use and hours of fun, AlterEgo will allow you to set the stage via an ever growing catalogue of Egos. You get 6 free Egos just for downloading the application! Want more? Simply purchase credits and get as many as you want.
iChat: AlterEgo lets you spice up your video chats by adding our exciting library of Egos. Be a watercolor portrait, or be a captain upon a space ship, be whoever you want to be with AlterEgo. Choose from over 30 effects to be applied to your video, in real time. AlterEgo is an excellent way to mod iChat and freak out your friends and is well worth the download.
Photo Booth: Two for one! AlterEgo also lets you use all filters in Photo Booth. Thanks to Photo Booth, taking pictures of yourself has never been more fun. Go beyond the 16 built in effects such as Sepia, Black & White, or X-Ray. See the screen flash white. And instantly you have a new unique photo you can email to your friends, save as your iChat buddy picture, or put in your iPhoto library.
Leopard: Built specifically for Apple’s new Leopard operating system, AlterEgo blends seamlessly to offer a simple and fun experience for the whole family. In iChat all the video processing occurs on your own Mac, your buddy doesn?t even have to be running Leopard to see those effects.
Freebies: You get 6 totally free Egos when you download the AlterEgo application. The following Egos are free: Bitter Glow, Black Hole, Carvin Block, Megapixelated Psychotic, Zebra. All you have to do is download and run AlterEgo, and these 6 free Ego’s will be installed on your system and are ready for use in both iChat and Photo Booth.
(Via MacUpdate – Universal Binary.)
Currently playing in iTunes: clara mondshine – caesar in camerun by Clara Mondshine
Political Punch: “Huckabee Defends Obama … and the Rev. Wright”
Currently playing in iTunes: The Shrunken Head Wants A Word With You by Vas Deferens Organization
Happy 40th birthday, cubicle! Now die – Work in Progress – Worklife – Workplace – TIME: “Fo’ real: it was 40 years ago that the geniuses in office design came up with the soul-destroying workspace we call the modern cubicle.”
Currently playing in iTunes: 04- lazare.mp3 by minox
Australian woman to face firing squad | World news | “Australian woman to face firing squad”
Currently playing in iTunes: 04- lazare.mp3 by minox
Philip Morris Tries to Engineer the Cancer Out of Tobacco | Wired Science from “Philip Morris Tries to Engineer the Cancer Out of Tobacco”
YEA RIGHT! the work could lead to less cancer-causing chewing tobacco.
Currently playing in iTunes: 03- hybrid (of a tight laugh).mp3 by minox
YouTube – Can time slow down?: “Can time slow down?
I Just realized, I think the music in the back ground is Tipsy! Could someone verify? NOPE it’s add N to X
Currently playing in iTunes: 03- hybrid (of a tight laugh).mp3 by minox
First lady records show Clinton promoted NAFTA | U.S. | Reuters: “First lady records show Clinton promoted NAFTA”
Currently playing in iTunes: 02- preludio.mp3 by minox
Scientists Fabricate Room Temperature Superconducting Material: “A new breakthrough superconducting material fabricated by a Canadian-German team has been made out of a silicon-hydrogen compound and does not require cooling. The implications of the discovery are enormous and could transform the way people live by cutting power usage from everything from refrigeration to cell phones.”
Currently playing in iTunes: Umi_Tsuki by Tsutsui Yasutaka_Yamashita Yosuke
CEO of subprime mortgage broker fined $29,000 for dropping 73 f-bombs during deposition: “Aaron Wider, CEO of HTFC, a mortgage broker implicated in the subprime meltdown and embroiled in a lawsuit with GMAC Bank, was fined $29,000 after he said ‘fuck’ 73 times during his deposition. The cowboyism of the subprime boom is only starting to come to light — guys like Wider were part of a movement of savage rapine of the world’s economies and exploitation of the poor and disenfranchised, something that went all the way up to the big trading houses and their regulators.
Q: This is your loan file. What do Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald do for a living?
A: I don’t know. Open it up and find it.
Q: Look at your loan file and tell me.
A: Open it up and find it. I’m not your fucking bitch.
Q: Take a look at your loan application.
A: Do it yourself. Do it yourself. You want to do this in front of a judge. Would you prefer to [do] this in front of a judge? Then, shut the fuck up.
Q: Sir, take a look–
A: I’m taking a break. Fuck him. You open up the document. You want me to look at something, you get the document out. Earn your fucking money, asshole. Better get used to it. You’ll retire when I’m done.
(Via Boing Boing.)
Currently playing in iTunes: Umi_Tsuki by Tsutsui Yasutaka_Yamashita Yosuke
Matt Borruso’s Vibrating Ugly Children: ”
Matt Borruso creates stunningly demented portraits of ugly children. The garish candy colors vibrate, making these unfortunate kids equally nauseating and mouth watering.
(Via WFMU’s Beware of the Blog.)
Currently playing in iTunes: squashed things by dancing_did
PC World – Google’s Top 17 Easter Eggs, Gags, and Hoaxes: “Google’s Top 17 Easter Eggs, Gags, and Hoaxes
Google makes your life easier with great search, but did you also know it’s loaded with pranks, goofs, and put-ons? We show you the best of the bunch.”
Currently playing in iTunes: Losing Hold by Wigwam
WebUrbanist » 7 (More) Abandoned Wonders of America: From Deserted Breweries to Famous Auto Factories: “7 (More) Abandoned Wonders of America: From Deserted Breweries to Famous Auto Factories”
Currently playing in iTunes: Life Without Pain by Frumpy
CJR: The McCain-Hagee Connection: “The McCain-Hagee Connection”
Currently playing in iTunes: Words With The Shaman – Pt. 3 Awakening by David Sylvian