Author: admin
Albany, N.Y.: – Print Story
Microsoft, After Some Wrangling, Cuts Price of Vista
Microsoft, After Some Wrangling, Cuts Price of Vista:
The software maker will cut between 20 and 48 percent off the price of some versions of its operating system, but not without some internal turmoil.
Microsoft 1978
Italy’s highest appeals court has ruled it is a criminal offence for Italian men to touch their genitals in public.
Italy’s highest appeals court has ruled it is a criminal offence for Italian men to touch their genitals in public | World news |
Touch your privates in private, court tells Italian men
Encyclopedia of Life – Biodiversity of World Wildlife Unveiled
Encyclopedia of Life – Biodiversity of World Wildlife Unveiled –
Encyclopedia of Life Is Alive!
Hapless robbers target biker meeting –
Hapless robbers target biker meeting –
Hapless robbers target biker meeting
Bat’s powerful lift is illuminated by fog : Nature News
Bat’s powerful lift is illuminated by fog : Nature News:
Bat’s powerful lift is illuminated by fog
Technique shows how bats and insects share the secret of slow flight.
World watching to see which candidate will face foreign hurdles –
WFMU / SXSW update: The Homosexuals + Los Llamarada added
WFMU / SXSW update: The Homosexuals + Los Llamarada added:
Just added to WFMU’s huge soiree on March 14th in Austin: legends of British DIY The Homosexuals (pic left taken by Joly) who these days are Bruno Wizard and assorted compadres, and Los Llamarada (right, pic from Mi Abela blog), four amazing young art-punk upstarts from Mexico (and the highlight of last year’s SXSW for many). If you haven’t heard yet, we’ve got a 14 band extravaganza happening at Spiro’s, 611 Red River, right in the heart of downtown Austin; it’s WFMU’s first ever visit to the SXSW music fest. Showtime for both indoor and outdoor stages is 7PM, and the show is 18 and over, $10 at the door, or free with your SXSW badge/wristband. Other bands on the bill: Harvey Milk, Kelley Stoltz, Hank IV, Evangelista (Carla Bozulich’s ensemble), Half Japanese (with Ira Kaplan on guest sax), Citay, the Bad Trips (Grady from Monoshock’s new band), Gary Higgins, Paul Metzger, Cheveu, the Lexie Mountain Boys, and Psychedelic Horseshit! WFMU will be broadcasting, and staffers including Irene, Diane Kamikaze, Liz Berg, and myself will be in the house. How much entertainment can you stand?
Morgan Stanley: Apple Splurging on R&D and Air Travel | Epicenter from
Morgan Stanley: Apple Splurging on R&D and Air Travel | Epicenter from
Morgan Stanley: Apple Splurging on R&D and Air Travel
FCC may do-over Comcast Net Neutrality hearing due to presence of paid Comcastards
FCC may do-over Comcast Net Neutrality hearing due to presence of paid Comcastards:
Yesterday on Boing Boing, we shared first-hand reports from the guys at Miro that Comcast hired goons to fill seats and cheer at an FCC hearing over net neutrality at Harvard. Today, Jordan at Valleywag points us to this update:
The FCC is considering holding a fresh hearing on net neutrality, with Comcast and Verizon again in attendance — and this time it may be at Stanford. The do-over after a mini-scandal erupted over the first hearing, held at Harvard; Comcast flacks confessed they’d paid people off the street to act as seatwarmers. Let this be a lesson to you all: If you’re going to meddle in politics, do it skillfully enough not to get caught.
The Harvard hearing, a rare outside-the-Beltway event, ended disastrously for all involved. The hearing had many more attendees than were expected, with the room running out of space well before the hearing began. As a result, dozens of members of the public and opposition groups were refused entry. Comcast’s ruse was detected when some of its fresh hires fell asleep.
Read the rest here. Image: Comcast’s yellow-highlighter-wearing goons snoozing off during the hearing (photo: Dean Jansen. The term “comcastards” is TM, 2008, Brian Lam).
‘Blow’ under FDA attack
‘Blow’ under FDA attack:
This totally unsurprising news just in: The FDA is beginning the legal process against the makers of ‘Blow’ energy drink mix:
FDA officials contend that “Blow” is an unapproved drug that is being marketed online in a way to draw comparisons to cocaine. In a warning letter, Alonza Cruse, director of the FDA’s Los Angeles office, charged that the white powdery mix is packaged “in a vial suggestive of street drug paraphernalia” and that photos of the product make it appear that the mix has been cut into “very fine particles to increase the efficiency of nasal absorption prior to insufflation, i.e., snorting.”
Looks like Blow is going to go the way of Cocaine… better head over to the site (in all its pornographic glory) and order up a 12-vial brick (includes stickers and tattoo!) before it’s too late!
From Posted by omgoleus.
Pakistan lifts YouTube ban – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Pakistan lifts YouTube ban – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation):
Pakistan lifts YouTube ban
How people around the world count money — video
How people around the world count money — video:
Here’s a short video demonstrating the varied means by which people in cultures all around the world count money. I had no idea that money-counting was this distinctive!
(Thanks, Fipi Lele!)
Jackass sprays graffiti on glacier
Jackass sprays graffiti on glacier:
Jan Philip Scharbert was caught on camera by tourists as he sprayed graffiti on a glacier and the rock walls surrounding the ice in Franz Josef, New Zealand. Scharbert, a 28-year-old visitor from Munich, was nabbed by police as he boarded a bus to split town. From The Press in Christchurch:
Print to Mac-connected printers from Windows
Macworld | Mac OS X Hints | Print to Mac-connected printers from Windows:
Print to Mac-connected printers from Windows
School removes CCTV cameras from children’s toilets after furious protest from parents | the Daily Mail
Girl at school was 39-year-old man | Oddly Enough | Reuters
Girl at school was 39-year-old man | Oddly Enough | Reuters:
“Girl” at school was 39-year-old man
Report: Comcast paid for people to fill seats at FCC Net Neutrality hearing
Report: Comcast paid for people to fill seats at FCC Net Neutrality hearing:
Nicholas from Miro says,
This is pretty unbelievable— there was an FCC hearing about Net Neutrality in Harvard yesterday where we had a booth. Comcast was PAYING PEOPLE TO FILL UP SEATS AND CHEER FOR THEM. Tons of folks, including reporters, got turned away. For people that still have a hard time wrapping their heads around what net neutrality is, this about sums up what’s happening.
And it’s well documented.
Our very own Dean Jansen was there, check out this nice graphic he made.
Unison 1.8.1 – Usenet newsreader handles messages, files, & media. (Shareware)
Unison 1.8.1
Unison is a carefully-crafted, genuinely revolutionary Mac OS X Usenet newsreader. It offers all the expected newsreader functionality: easy-to-navigate threaded discussions, the ability to ignore annoying posters, multiple signature management, and easy, Mail-like posting with spell checking and all the trimmings.
But it also goes much, much further than any other Usenet client on earth, starting with a unique four-view interface that lets you view and work with Usenet group content in four distinct styles: messages, files, images, or music. It lets you preview MP3 files directly off a Usenet server, view images in an elegant iPhoto-like thumbnail view, prioritize transfers with a flexible downloads manager, find favorites quickly with a categorized column-view interface, smartly group files into meta-groups (like songs into albums), show download status beautifully in the dock, and much more.
Shock Tactic ads…
‘Doomsday’ seed vault opens in Norway –
Researchers Grow Heart
Kids don’t like CDs: iTunes Store now #2 music retailer
Kids don’t like CDs: iTunes Store now #2 music retailer:
There was a “sharp increase” in digital music sales during 2007, according to the NPD Group, which is why iTunes now occupies the number two spot in all music sales, just behind Wal-Mart. Still, the explosion of digital music has not yet offset the decline in CD sales.
Online Video: Pakistan bans YouTube for these videos of Muhammad
Online Video: Pakistan bans YouTube for these videos of Muhammad:
Pakistan bans YouTube for these videos of Muhammad…
Microsoft Employee talks about how MS is copying Mac Leopard for next OS
Psilocybin-induced subjective time-dilation is real
70 Years of The New York Times Archives
BBC NEWS | UK | Climate protest on Heathrow plane
BBC NEWS | UK | Climate protest on Heathrow plane:
Climate protest on Heathrow plane