Tent With Transparent Walls | Update Your Home – Gadgets and Interior


Tent With Transparent Walls | Update Your Home – Gadgets and Interior: “For those who are planning to unwind among nature during the holiday season, French designer Pierre Stephane Dumas has designed a series of luxury tents ‘BubbleTree’ for a fun-filled camping experience. The inflatable bubble tents are decked out with wardrobes, sofas and electric lights for a comfortable stay.And, the series feature CristalBubble, a completely transparent tent for the exhibitionists, while ‘Cocooning’ is the version for those who seek privacy.”

PAiA – Fatman Analog Mid Synth


PAiA – Fatman Analog Mid Synth: “The FatMan has all of the features that give analog it’s big bottom and punch in a MIDI controlled package. The classic Voltage Controlled normalization is brought up to date with a Velocity CV not available on pre-MIDI synths. Pitch wheel modulation is supported and Pitch and Velocity CVs and gate signal are provided on the front panel for driving PAiA or other linear response synthesizer modules.

And all those knobs. They invite experimentation and invention in ways that a single control with functions buried under layers of obscure menus never can. Just a few hours with the FatMan will teach you more about the nature of sound than you might ever learn otherwise. It’s as at home in the physics lab as on-stage.”


The Government Can Now Track You, Sans Warrant, Via GPS | Fast Company

images-1.jpgThe Government Can Now Track You, Sans Warrant, Via GPS | Fast Company: “The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which covers California and eight other Western states, just made what might be the scariest ruling of the year. You know who else thinks so? The dissenting judge, a conservative, no less, who himself made the connection to Orwell’s 1984. This is bad, bad news, and the sooner it gets overturned the safer we should all feel.”

18 Hacked Digital Road Signs – Urlesque


18 Hacked Digital Road Signs – Urlesque: “Road signs are pretty boring, albeit important. They tell us where to go, what to do and what we should avoid on the road. Road signs don’t usually make us laugh — until people figured out that they could be altered in a number of ways.

Pasting a sign over another sign is a simple idea, but hacking into the digital road signs that warn us about traffic delays and road hazards is a whole new level of dedication to mishievous shenanigans.

Here are 19 of the funniest hacked digital road signs. “


Cheaper, Spray-On Solar Panels Could Appear in Three Years | Business | GreenBiz.com


Cheaper, Spray-On Solar Panels Could Appear in Three Years | Business | GreenBiz.com: “AUSTIN, TX — Researchers at the University of Texas have developed a method to create photovoltaic panels at one-tenth the cost of existing technologies using nanoparticle ‘inks’ to generate electricity from the sun.

The group, lead by Brian Korgel in the University’s chemical engineering department, predicts that the technology, which would allow solar panels to be painted on rooftops or the sides of buildings, could be market-ready in three to five years.”


Best Buy Security Thinks I’m A Dumb Criminal, Stole iPad From Them – The Consumerist


Best Buy Security Thinks I’m A Dumb Criminal, Stole iPad From Them – The Consumerist: “John has a bit of advice for iPad owners: don’t use the device in public. At least, don’t use it for price comparisons at a Best Buy with particularly clueless loss prevention staff unless you want to be accused of theft and have the police show up. He writes that this happened to him while checking some prices on his iPad. “

America in Decline: Why Germans Think We’re Insane



America in Decline: Why Germans Think We’re Insane | World | AlterNet: “As an American expat living in the European Union, I’ve started to see America from a different perspective.

The European Union has a larger economy and more people than America does. Though it spends less — right around 9 percent of GNP on medical, whereas we in the U.S. spend close to between 15 to 16 percent of GNP on medical — the EU pretty much insures 100 percent of its population.

The U.S. has 59 million people medically uninsured; 132 million without dental insurance; 60 million without paid sick leave; 40 million on food stamps. Everybody in the European Union has cradle-to-grave access to universal medical and a dental plan by law. The law also requires paid sick leave; paid annual leave; paid maternity leave. When you realize all of that, it becomes easy to understand why many Europeans think America has gone insane.

Der Spiegel has run an interesting feature called ‘A Superpower in Decline,’ which attempts to explain to a German audience such odd phenomena as the rise of the Tea Party, without the hedging or attempts at ‘balance’ found in mainstream U.S. media. On the Tea Parties:

Full of Hatred: ‘The Tea Party, that group of white, older voters who claim that they want their country back, is angry. Fox News host Glenn Beck, a recovering alcoholic who likens Obama to Adolf Hitler, is angry. Beck doesn’t quite know what he wants to be — maybe a politician, maybe president, maybe a preacher — and he doesn’t know what he wants to do, either, or least he hasn’t come up with any specific ideas or plans. But he is full of hatred.’

The piece continues with the sobering assessment that America’s actual unemployment rate isn’t really 10 percent, but close to 20 percent when we factor in the number of people who have stopped looking for work.

Some social scientists think that making sure large-scale crime or fascism never takes root in Europe again requires a taxpayer investment in a strong social safety net. Can we learn from Europe? Isn’t it better to invest in a social safety net than in a large criminal justice system? (In America over 2 million people are incarcerated.)”


Glenn Greenwald – Salon.com


Glenn Greenwald – Salon.com: “The video of the CNN debate I did last night about WikiLeaks with former Bush Homeland Security Adviser (and CNN contributor) Fran Townsend and CNN anchor Jessica Yellin is posted below. The way it proceeded was quite instructive to me and I want to make four observations about the discussion:

(1) Over the last month, I’ve done many television and radio segments about WikiLeaks and what always strikes me is how indistinguishable — identical — are the political figures and the journalists.  There’s just no difference in how they think, what their values and priorities are, how completely they’ve ingested and how eagerly they recite the same anti-WikiLeaks, ‘Assange = Saddam’ script.  So absolute is the WikiLeaks-is-Evil bipartisan orthodoxy among the Beltway political and media class (forever cemented by the joint Biden/McConnell decree that Assange is a ‘high-tech Terrorist,’) that you’re viewed as being from another planet if you don’t spout it.  It’s the equivalent of questioning Saddam’s WMD stockpile in early 2003.”


Artist, Christian Faur, uses wax crayons to create a new kind of painting | Mail Online


Artist, Christian Faur, uses wax crayons to create a new kind of painting | Mail Online: “At first glance these pictures look like nothing more than pixelated photographs but closer inspection reveals the images are actually created using thousands of wax crayons.

Bored with paint and pencils, inventive artist, Christian Faur, turned to the childhood favourite for inspiration after seeing his young daughter using them.

Christian, from Granville, USA, starts each piece by scanning a photograph and breaking the image down into coloured blocks.”


Finextra: The WikiLeaks strategy: Bank of America buys up abusive domain names


Finextra: The WikiLeaks strategy: Bank of America buys up abusive domain names: “The WikiLeaks strategy: Bank of America buys up abusive domain names Bank of America has snapped up hundreds of abusive domain names for its senior executives and board members in what is being perceived as a defensive strategy against the future publication of damaging insider info from whistleblowing Website WikiLeaks.”