Custom Receipt Maker


Custom Receipt Maker: “This tool lets you make your own custom receipts.

Customize your receipt below and press the ‘Make the receipt!’ button. Your custom receipt will be shown (containing the text that you entered) in the space above.

The completed receipts are in dollars only but you can enter non-dollar amounts for prices if you like. That way, you can say that something is ‘free’ or ‘cheap’ or whatever you like.

What should you put in your custom receipt? It’s up to you! The top of he receipt might give a store with a funny name, or perhaps a strange address. Put things you’d like to get, or give products crazy prices. Make a serious receipt, but put a funny slogan at the bottom! Be creative. The only limit is your imagination. “


Banksy: The World’s Most Famous Graffiti Artist | Smosh


Banksy: The World’s Most Famous Graffiti Artist | Smosh: “Banksy has struggled for years to maintain anonymity and hide his identity from those who view his art. He creates works around the world that are full of pranks, hype and thoughtful messages. Those messages can range from the very silly to the emotionally deep. But his identity has remained a mystery. People are always claiming to know who Banksy really is.

His latest project, the documentary ‘Exit Through the Gift Shop,’ opened nationally and was a sensation at the Sundance Film Festival this year.

What’s all the hype about? Check out some of Banksy’s art and you decide…


U.N. to Establish Protocols for When We Make Contact With Aliens | Dr. Kaku’s Universe | Big Think


U.N. to Establish Protocols for When We Make Contact With Aliens | Dr. Kaku’s Universe | Big Think: “The United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) has announced that it will consider drafting protocols for what to do when we finally make contact with extra-terrestrial civilizations in space. What’s prompting the UN to consider this possibility is the fact that astronomers are expected to announce, perhaps later this year or next year, that our satellites (such as Kepler and Corot) have identified earth-like planets in space. So far, almost 500 large Jupiter-sized planets have been discovered, but earth-like planets are much more difficult to identify.



An Andalusian Dog (Un chien andalou) (1929)


An Andalusian Dog (Un chien andalou) (1929): “Description: In a dream-like sequence, a woman’s eye is slit open–juxtaposed with a similarly shaped cloud obsucuring the moon moving in the same direction as the knife through the eye–to grab the audience’s attention. The French phrase ‘ants in the palms,’ (which means that someone is ‘itching’ to kill) is shown literally. In a dream-like sequence, a woman’s eye is slit open–juxtaposed with a similarly shaped cloud obsucuring the moon moving in the same direction as the knife through the eye–to grab the audience’s attention. The French phrase ‘ants in the palms,’ (which means that someone is ‘itching’ to kill) is shown literally. A man pulls a piano along with the tablets of the Ten Commandments and a dead donkey towards the woman he’s itching to kill. A shot of differently striped objects is repeatedly used to connect scenes. … (more) (less) “

Here Are Your Nominees For Consumerist’s Worst Ad In America 2010! – The Consumerist


Here Are Your Nominees For Consumerist’s Worst Ad In America 2010! – The Consumerist: “Readers of Consumerist: We asked you to tell us which commercials you hate the most, and oh boy, did you let us know. Finally, after sifting through thousands of your suggestions, we bring you your nominations for Consumerist’s First Annual Worst Ad In America Awards.


Looking through the nominees below, you’ll see there’s little overlap between the companies listed here and those involved in Consumerist’s most recent Worst Company In America tournament. There’s no Comcast, no TicketMaster, no AIG. “


The art of cutting leaves by Nature’s Art :: – Visual Arts Magazine, graphic design, illustration, photography, interviews, inspiration, tutorials


The art of cutting leaves by Nature’s Art :: – Visual Arts Magazine, graphic design, illustration, photography, interviews, inspiration, tutorials: “These are leaf cut out illustrations by Nature’s Art from China.

Natural leaf carving is actual manual cutting and removal of a leaf’s surface to produce an art work on a leaf.

The process of carving is performed by artists using tools to carefully remove the surface without cutting or removing the veins. The veins add detail into the subject matter of the carving. The material or most common leaf used in leaf carving is the leaf of a Chinar tree. The Chinar tree is native to India, Pakistan and China. Chinar leaves have a close resemblance to maple leaves.”


seriously…this guy works for FOX? Napolitano…

?Napolitano on Arizona:

“I cannot begin to tell you how steamed I am when any government violates first principles of our Constitution. Never before in our modern history has an American government purported to give police the power to stop someone because of their appearance and then require the stopped person to prove a negative on the spot–namely, that he or she is not in the US illegally. In the American justice system, the government must prove everything about the defendant’s behavior; it is a profound violation of due process to impose upon the stopped person the obligation of coming forward with any proof of anything in order to avoid the summary loss of freedom. This is a consistent and unchallenged component of our jurisprudence. Someone should ask Governor Jan Brewer what an illegal alien looks like–she will not be able to answer. As well, can she tell of a person’s immigration status by looking at that person? I can’t imagine that she could answer in the affirmative, yet she has purported to give to police the mental subjective discretion to do so. This is East Germany and the ante-bellum South all in one.”

on Bush/Cheney:

“What President Bush did with the suspension of habeas corpus, with the whole concept of Guantánamo Bay, with the whole idea that he could avoid and evade federal laws, treaties, federal judges and the constitution was blatantly unconstitutional — and in some cases criminal,” Napolitano said. “They should have been indicted. They absolutely should have been indicted. For torturing, for spying, for arresting without warrants. I’d like to say they should be indicted for lying but believe it or not, unless you’re under oath, lying is not a crime.”

on Surveillance:

“Those who believe the Constitution means what it says should tremble at every effort to weaken any of its protections. The Constitution protects all “persons” and all “people” implicated by government behavior. So the government should be required, as it was until FISA, to obtain a 4th Amendment warrant to conduct surveillance of anyone, American or not, in the U.S. or not.”

News Hounds: Fox News’ Andrew Napolitano Is “Going Rogue?”

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News Hounds: Fox News’ Andrew Napolitano Is “Going Rogue?”: “Fox News’ Andrew Napolitano Is ‘Going Rogue?’ Reported by Priscilla – July 13, 2010 – Comments (13)

As pointed out by Jon Stewart, Fox ‘News’ senior judicial analyst, retired Judge Andrew Napolitano, doesn’t seem to be towing the ‘party’ line. What, what?! In a satirical montage about the right wing reaction to Arizona’s new immigration law, Stewart asked if Fox ‘News’ anchor, Megyn Kelly, would bring in Napolitano ‘to smack down Obama.’ He played a video clip of Kelly asking if the Obama administration ‘ginned up racial tensions over an issue that they apparently think has no legal merit?’ (Hey Megyn, have you been ginning up racial tensions with your not so ‘fair & balanced’ coverage of the Black Panther case?) Stewart ‘wondered’ what her anti-immigrant guest, Lou Dobbs, would say and then asked why she didn’t consult Napolitano as racial tensions ‘have nothing to do with it.’ He then played a video clip of the judge, on the Fox business network, stating that the law is unconstitutional and that it encourages racial profiling. What, what?! And now Napolitano is saying that Bush and Cheney ‘should have been indicted’ for torture. What, what?! Has Napolitano been taken over by an evil librul spirit or is this Napolitano really an evil librul shapeshifter? What would prompt an otherwise ‘reliable right wing source’ to speak this heretical blasphemy? Is Andrew Napolitano going rogue?”


And for another sign of how this demolishes distinctions, Chuck motherfucking Norris is hyperlinking to Salon about this. Are we through the fucking lookinglass here yet, folks?:


Obama Assassination Program: Shortlist Of US Citizens For Killing « The Tonka Report: “Sound too conspiratorial to be true? Like the cover-up ops of spy novels?

Well, it’s reality. And it is possibly the most bizarre, inhumane and abusive way that the White House is expanding its power over the American people.

It’s not an extremist belief or theory of the far right. It’s a fact that has been confirmed by The New York Times, The Washington Post and MSNBC and even documented by the far-left online magazine And it’s the gravest nightmare of U.S. citizens and abandonment of our Constitution to date: a presidential assassination program in which U.S. citizens are in the literal scopes of the executive branch based upon nothing more than allegations of terrorism involvement as the branch defines it.”


» Obama’s Assassination Program The Progressive Hunter

?And here’s Beck and Napolitano fulminating from the right about it:

?I’m all for this info getting out ANYWHERE, whatever the frame (including the completely insane Marxist/Weather Underground one that Beck applies to it). Just have everyone screaming about his assassination program against Americans. It’s all that matters on this point.



Obama’s Assassination Program

[From » Obama’s Assassination Program The Progressive Hunter]

Obama’s Assassination Program Could Be Used on American Peace and Environmental Activists Labeled as Terrorists « Bodhi Thunder


Obama’s Assassination Program Could Be Used on American Peace and Environmental Activists Labeled as Terrorists « Bodhi Thunder: “Recently the FBI raided Peace Activists in Chicago and Minneapolis. The search warrants indicate that they were looking for connections between the activists and groups in Columbia and the Middle East.

One of those activists being investigated, Jess Sundin a longtime antiwar activist in Minneapolis, had this to say about the government’s investigation”


Questions for Andrew Sullivan – Glenn Greenwald –


Questions for Andrew Sullivan – Glenn Greenwald – “Questions for Andrew Sullivan BY GLENN GREENWALD (updated below – Update II [Friday])

Andrew Sullivan quotes from an excellent column by Alex Massie in The Spectator.  Massie points to Obama’s assassination program and writes: ‘you can make an argument that Obama’s actions are worse than Bush’s since a) he wasn’t charged with cobbling together a security framework in the confused, panicked aftermath of 9/11 and b) he actually, you know, once campaigned against quite a lot of this stuff.’  Andrew, basically objecting to Massie’s claim, makes several points in response that merit attention and, at least for me, prompt various questions.  Andrew:

But a single American al Qaeda terrorist in a foreign country actively waging war against us seems to me to be a pretty isolated example.

First, Awlaki is most certainly not a singular case.  Obama’s ‘hit list’ has at least four Americans on it; Awlaki is the only one whose identity we know.  From The Washington Post’s Dana Priest in January:  ‘After the Sept. 11 attacks, Bush gave the CIA, and later the military, authority to kill U.S. citizens abroad . . . . The Obama administration has adopted the same stance. . . . . As of several months ago, the CIA list included three U.S. citizens, and an intelligence official said that Aulaqi’s name has now been added.’

Second, could Andrew please explain how he knows that Awlaki is an ‘al Qaeda terrorist’?  Being an ‘al Qaeda terrorist’ is a crime with which many people have been charged and convicted.  But Awlaki never has been.  Are the untested, leaked accusations from government officials really enough for Andrew to conclude that an American citizen is a ‘terrorist’ and, accordingly, support the imposition of the death penalty?  Does Andrew not need or want to see any actual evidence — let alone have that evidence subjected to due process and checks and balances — before simply assuming and asserting that an accusation like that is true?  Does the lengthy record of error and/or abuse under both Bush and Obama — whereby countless people have been falsely accused of being Terrorists — not preclude a rational person from vesting blind faith in unchecked government accusations of this sort?

Third, the ‘just an isolated case’ defense was frequently invoked by Bush supporters.  There were ‘only two’ American citizens detained for years without charges by the Bush administration — Jose Padilla and Yaser Hamdi.  Did that make the assertion of that tyrannical power more acceptable to Andrew?  The claim at the time from those of us who vehemently opposed it was that if you endorse what is being done to those two individuals, then by necessity you’ve vested the President with the power to detain Americans without charges or due process — not just the current President but future ones as well.  Isn’t that same concern exactly applicable to Obama’s asserted assassination power, no matter how many individuals –at the moment — are targeted?  And can Andrew point to a single, similar awesome power seized by political leaders on the ground of ‘war’ that did not end up being severely abused when it was exercised in the dark?”


The Washington Monthly


The Washington Monthly: “SHE REALLY SHOULD GET OUT MORE…. Did extremist Senate candidate Sharron Angle (R) really say Sharia law has ‘taken hold’ in some U.S. cities? Pretty much.

One of the last questioners asked about ‘Muslims taking over the U.S.,’ including a question about Angle’s stance on the proposed mosque near Ground Zero in New York.

‘We’re talking about a militant terrorist situation, which I believe isn’t a widespread thing, but it is enough that we need to address, and we have been addressing it,’ Angle said.

‘Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas are on American soil, and under Constitutional law. Not Sharia law. And I don’t know how that happened in the United States. It seems to me there is something fundamentally wrong with allowing a foreign system of law to even take hold in any municipality or government situation in our United States.’

I’m not entirely sure exactly what Angle’s even trying to say here. She said she doesn’t know ‘how that happened in the United States.’ How what happened?

The implication seems to be that a ‘foreign system of law’ has ‘taken hold’ in Dearborn and Frankford, which is completely insane. Those communities, like every other community in the country, follow American law. Does Angle believe cities where there are a lot of Muslim Americans necessarily fall under Sharia?

She’s already made clear that she rejects the principle of church-state separation, so perhaps in her twisted worldview, predominantly Muslim cities suddenly become little theocracies unto themselves — carve-out exceptions to the First Amendment.

I really don’t think she’s well.”


Internet regulators may face Swedish Waterloo – The National Newspaper


Internet regulators may face Swedish Waterloo – The National Newspaper: “Best known for pillaging Vikings and the pop supergroup Abba, Sweden is now hosting its own version of the internet – one without government controls. At a time when many of the world’s governments are demanding access to mobile phone records and Google is accused of openly collaborating with the CIA, Sweden is home to an unregulated version of the internet.

Protected by that country’s liberal laws, a legitimate Swedish political party, the Pirate Party, is attracting the growing support of Swedish citizens and is determined to provide an alternative to the highly regulated internet envisaged by governments such as the US and service providers such as Google. Iceland is also drafting legislation to protect freedom of information on the internet.”


About Fusion Centers | Operation Defuse


About Fusion Centers | Operation Defuse: “A fusion center is a multi-jurisdictional law enforcement apparatus which seeks to merge the information gathering and intelligence sharing practices of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.  Initially sold to the public as a means of preventing and combating terrorism, fusion centers later took on an ‘all-crimes approach’ incorporating information and intelligence about a multitude of crimes from simple traffic tickets to large scale drug distribution networks.  Drifting even further from their original purpose, some fusion centers have begun collecting and analyzing private non-criminal information such as shopping purchases, driving habits, and even health records.

While many existed prior, fusion centers received their national legislative backing through the passage of the 9/11 Commission Recommendations Act of 2007.  They were created to ‘bring down the barriers to information sharing’, a problem iterated by many in the intelligence community after September 11th 2001.  Fusion centers accomplish this goal by standardizing the computer language used by various law enforcement agencies and granting each other access to their partner agency’s information systems and criminal intelligence databases.”


Wikileaks Calls US Pentagon ‘Nazi Punks,’ Threatens New Leak | Death and Taxes


Wikileaks Calls US Pentagon ‘Nazi Punks,’ Threatens New Leak | Death and Taxes: “Since 9/11 American attitudes have dictated that security—at least our best effort at security—is more important than transparency. It’s an idea that justified all kinds of exceptions to American transparency that we would have otherwise objected to—from the Patriot Act allowing us to spy on citizens to holding suspects at Guantanamo without charging them with anything.”

‘Feds radiating Americans’? Mobile X-ray vans hit US streets – Yahoo! News


‘Feds radiating Americans’? Mobile X-ray vans hit US streets – Yahoo! News: “Atlanta – For many living in a terror-spooked country, it might seem like a great government innovation: Use vans equipped with mobile X-ray units to scan vehicles at major sporting events, or even randomly, for bombs or contraband. But news that the US is buying custom-made vans packed with something called backscatter X-ray capacity has riled privacy advocates and sparked internet worries about ‘feds radiating Americans.'”

Traditionally Modern Designs: DIY Cinder Block Planter!


Traditionally Modern Designs: DIY Cinder Block Planter!: “I love coming across DIY projects that are pretty simple but look so nice! This modern cinder block planter idea is perfect, with supplies that are easy to come by and putting it together is just as simple. They are filled with easy to grow beautiful succulents – the inspiration comes from Annette at {Pot-ted}, a nursery and patioscaping company. Here’s how she did it:

– The wall was built with 12′ cinder blocks – Liquid nails were used to hold them together so there wouldn’t be grout lines and would also allow for flexibility. – The planting is new and as it fills in and starts trailing, it is going to look even better. – The use of cinder blocks allows for many different iterations you could make depending on how much space you have. – They are also really cheap and can be painted if you want to match them to your decor.

The coolest part is that they have a chair in their patio like the one I {found} at {The Gardener} in Berkeley! “


Marijuana Soda? Medicinal Users Now Have Smoke-Free Option – TIME NewsFeed


Thirsty? Why not open an ice-cold bottle of pot-infused root beer?

A new line of pot-infused beverages masquerading behind soda flavors are now available to patients with a prescription for medical marijuana. Made by Colorado-based Dixie Elixirs, the carbonated drinks are marketed to medicinal-marijuana patients who wish to avoid “weed culture” stigmas.

[From Marijuana Soda? Medicinal Users Now Have Smoke-Free Option – TIME NewsFeed]

Voters leaning toward legalizing marijuana – Marijuana –

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Voters leaning toward legalizing marijuana – Marijuana – “California voters are leaning toward making the Golden State the first state in the nation to legalize marijuana for recreational use.

In a new Field Poll of likely voters for the Nov. 2 election, the Proposition 19 marijuana initiative leads by a 49 percent to 42 percent margin.

The measure holds heavy majorities among voters who are younger than 40 and those who live in the populous San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles.

The measure, largely favored by Democrats, trails decidedly among Republicans and is losing by a nearly 2-1 margin in the Central Valley.”


Sooner or later, marijuana will be legal –

(CNN) — It’s as predictable as the sun rising and setting. Even though police made more than 850,000 marijuana arrests last year, a recent government report shows youth marijuana use increased by about 9 percent.
Supporters of the failed war on drugs will no doubt argue this increase means policymakers should spend more taxpayer money next year arresting and incarcerating a greater number of Americans. In other words, their solution to failure is to do more of the same. Fortunately, the “reform nothing” club is getting mighty lonely these days — 76 percent of Americans recognize the drug war has failed; millions are demanding change.

[From Sooner or later, marijuana will be legal –]

Crazy Airplane Hotel Room Conversion in Costa Rica


Crazy Airplane Hotel Room Conversion in Costa Rica: ” Located on a coastal rainforest bluff overlooking the Pacific, Hotel Costa Verde near Quepos, Costa Rica, features one of the most unique hotel rooms I’ve ever encountered. A two bedroom, fully retrofitted, vintage 1965 Boeing 727 fuselage, available on your next vacation! Check out the incredible pics and information below on this one-of-a-kind lodging. “

Fascinating Underground Homes | JetSetta


Fascinating Underground Homes | JetSetta: “We received a great response from our feature on Klima Hotel (Bella Vista), the semi-sumerged underground hote in Bozen, Italy, so we were pleased to come across 6 Fascinating Underground Homes on Inhabitat. Of course, you can’t book a stay in these places like you can a hotel, but they just might change your idea of a dream home.”

Story Updated. Daily Kos Want a raise? Wash your vagina.


Daily Kos: State of the Nation: “So, ladies, you say you want a raise? How should you go about getting it?

First, you have to figure out how to compete with the guy in the next cubicle. After all, he went to a school almost as good as yours. His grades were nearly as good as yours, too. He works hard. In fact, most mornings, he’s the second person in the office. You know this, because you’re always first. He is young, ruggedly good looking, and he washes his balls with a manly but fresh sandalwood soap.

What to do?

Fortunately, the good folks at Women’s Day and Summer’s Eve have a few words of advice for you.”