The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
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Marijuana ordinance up to voters in fall | | Detroit Free Press
Brought to you by the Coalition for a Safer Detroit – the same group that successfully got medical marijuana placed on the ballot in 2004 which passed – the ordinance amendment would allow anyone 21-years-old or older to legally possess less than an ounce of marijuana on private property, amending Chapter 38 of the city code regulating controlled substances.
[From Marijuana ordinance up to voters in fall | | Detroit Free Press]
25 Most Extreme Female Bodies | Indian Pakistani Men Magazine
This post is about the 25 most extreme female bodies ever from largest to smallest, most longest, most shortest, most pierced, most loud, most old and so on… Lets start with number 1, Svetlana Pankratova, she have longest legs in the world. Enjoy!
[From 25 Most Extreme Female Bodies | Indian Pakistani Men Magazine]
50 of the world’s best design blogs – Times Online
Do you aspire to something more original than a generic Ikea-filled home?
These blogs are full of inspired home-styling ideas, suggestions of how to support small-scale, affordable designers selling handmade items and vintage and modern homeware, as well as tips for upcycling old furniture.
This list does not cover architecture or wedding design and is a small selection from the thousands of blogs focusing on interiors, graphic and product design. All post regularly and have a strong identity with original content.
This is really good.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
An Energy-Independent Future | ||||
Manifesting the Mind DVD Sneak Preview
Rachel Maddow’s Oval Office Oil Spill Speech: What She Wishes Obama Had Said (VIDEO)
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
ckquote cite=””> [From Rachel Maddow’s Oval Office Oil Spill Speech: What She Wishes Obama Had Said (VIDEO)]
multi-touch the storm – interactive sound visuals – subcycle labs on Vimeo
multi-touch the storm – interactive sound visuals – subcycle labs from christian bannister on Vimeo. ckquote cite=”″> sound visualization, multi-touch interface, break beat performance engine, sonic navigation, sound storm visualization, time machine, interactive sound, time stretch tabla more at [From multi-touch the storm – interactive sound visuals – subcycle labs on Vimeo]
Trick Photography with Album Covers
See what happens when people use sleeves from classic vinyl records to spice up their photographs, the results are truly spectacular…
Sleeveface is an international phenomenon wherein one or more persons obscure or augment body parts with record sleeve(s), causing an illusion.
You Are What You Eat
You Are What You Eat is a series of portraits made by examining the interiors of refrigerators in homes across the United States.
For three years I traveled around the country exploring food issues. The more time I spent speaking and listening to individual stories, the more I began to think about the foods we consume and the effects they have on us as individuals and communities. An intense curiosity and questions about stewardship led me to begin to make these unconventional portraits.
A refrigerator is both a private and a shared space. One person likened the question, “May I photograph the interior of your fridge?” to asking someone to pose nude for the camera. Each fridge is photographed “as is.” Nothing added, nothing taken away.
These are portraits of the rich and the poor. Vegetarians, Republicans, members of the NRA, those left out, the under appreciated, former soldiers in Hitler’s SS, dreamers, and so much more. We never know the full story of one’s life.
My hope is that we will think deeply about how we care. How we care for our bodies. How we care for others. And how we care for the land.
Audio track is from a collection of sound recordings I have been making over the past year of people eating their favorite foods.
[From trickhouse#6: mark menjivar]
Destination Subconscious: Cary Grant and LSD
“I knew Cary Grant very well and he loved … what did they call it? Acid! LSD. He said he liked to take the trip.” – Debbie Reynolds
“I learned many things in the quiet of that room … I learned that everything is or becomes its own opposite … You know, we are all unconsciously holding our anus. In one LSD dream … I imagined myself as a giant penis launching off from earth like a spaceship.” – Cary Grant
[From Destination Subconscious: Cary Grant and LSD – WFMU’s Beware of the Blog]
Police Want to Use Unmanned Drones for Law Enforcement
YouTube – President Jimmy Carter – Address to the Nation on Energy
Scientists Study Ozzy Osbourne’s Blood To Understand Why He’s Still Alive Despite Drug Abuse (VIDEO)
According to CBS News, Ozzy Osbourne may help scientists understand how some people’s bodies can endure “excessive substance abuse.”
Osbourne, the former frontman for Black Sabbath and a notorious partier, will allow scientists to study his blood.
The Prince of Darkness, 61, battled alcohol and drug addictions for forty years and calls himself a “medical miracle.”
Scientists hope that mapping Osbourne’s genetic code will provide insight into why some–like Osbourne–can survive “excessive substance abuse.”
[From Scientists Study Ozzy Osbourne’s Blood To Understand Why He’s Still Alive Despite Drug Abuse (VIDEO)]
6-story Jesus statue in Ohio struck by lightning – Yahoo! News
MONROE, Ohio – A six-story-tall statue of Jesus Christ with his arms raised along a highway was struck by lightning in a thunderstorm Monday night and burned to the ground, police said.
The “King of Kings” statue, one of southwest Ohio’s most familiar landmarks, had stood since 2004 at the evangelical Solid Rock Church along Interstate 75 in Monroe, just north of Cincinnati.
The lightning strike set the statue ablaze around 11:15 p.m., Monroe police dispatchers said.
The sculpture, 62 feet tall and 40 feet wide at the base, showed Jesus from the torso up and was nicknamed Touchdown Jesus because of the way the arms were raised, similar to a referee signaling a touchdown. It was made of plastic foam and fiberglass over a steel frame, which is all that remained early Tuesday.
The fire spread from the statue to an adjacent amphitheater but was confined to the attic area, and no one was injured, police Chief Mark Neu said. The fire department would release a monetary damage estimate Tuesday, he said.
Travelers on Interstate 75 often were startled to come upon the huge statue by the roadside, but many said America needs more symbols like it. So many people stopped at the church campus that church officials had to build a walkway to accommodate them.
The 4,000-member, nondenominational church was founded by former horse trader Lawrence Bishop and his wife. Bishop said in 2004 he was trying to help people, not impress them, with the statue. He said his wife proposed the Jesus figure as a beacon of hope and salvation, and they spent about $250,000 to finance it.[From 6-story Jesus statue in Ohio struck by lightning – Yahoo! News]
Henry Rollins – KCRW
I am very lucky to be able to have this show in my back yard!
[From Henry Rollins – KCRW]
Chamber Of Commerce Says Taxpayers Should Help Pay For BP Spill Cleanup; GOP Leader Agrees, Then Recants
Hey there, Americans! I’m sure, by now, many of you have had some time to reflect on the massive, unfolding Deepwater Horizon oil disaster and thought to yourselves, “My, that really is a terrible, apocalyptic cock-up!” But have you gone so far as to think to yourself, “My, that really is a terrible, apocalyptic cock-up, the costs of which I should logically be burdened with, because I am responsible for everything that happened?” No? Well, you should maybe start thinking that way, because the U.S. Chamber of Commerce thinks you should!
ariel pink’s dallas connection
Some of our readers may have noticed the highly complimentary “Best New Music” review of Ariel Pink’s latest record on Pitchfork this week, and if you’ve been keeping tabs on his career over the past several years, you might find the review pretty surprising given Pitchfork’s luke-warm response to almost everything else the guy’s ever done. Of course, it’s just all too convenient that Pitchfork has finally come around to Ariel Pink now that he seems to be responsible for many of underground pop music’s most important trends over the past couple of years, but I suppose such behavior is pretty typical of the site these days.
The reason any of this matters to us, however, is that there’s a local connection– the excellent first track on the new album, “Hot Body Rub,” was recorded by Ariel Pink in Dallas with a group called Added Pizzaz, which features Aaron, Stefan AND Dennis Gonzalez (double/electric bass, drums/vibes and trumpet, respectively), as well as:
“Jim Lehnert on sax and trombone, Dennis Gonzalez on trumpet and Tamara Cauble on violin.. With the team of production and sound design by Vas Deferens Organization. Vas Deferens Organization is made up of Matt Castille, and Eric Lumbleau.”
The group apparently worked on a number of other tracks with Pink as well, and we’ll have more on that for you here as soon as we confirm all the details.
Update: We should mention that the track was recorded at Klearlight Studio, which has not only had a wealth of good local artists working there lately, such as Darktown Strutters, True Widow, the reunited and legendary underground metal act Divine Eve, and the excellent Berliner Eins, which features the studio’s own Jay Jernigan and Jonathan Montpas; but also yielded the Ariel Pink/VDO collaboration Shits and Giggles and the Trick Or Treat LP, which was mostly overlooked after it was recorded nearly two years ago, and possibly even more music from Ariel Pink that may or may not ever see release. And as has been reported, the studio of course, also acts as a label, with releases on its own Restore Vinyl imprint.
I can’t help but feel that Dallas is one of the only places where Ariel Pink recording in an actual studio and increasingly departing from his bedroom sound, which has been one of the most talked about and important narratives in music in 2010, goes largely ignored even though DFW is one of the actual settings for said narrative. And yet every painful acoustic troubadour project gets top billing. Hey, as some smart dead guy said, “That’s the way of the world.”
Correction: Earlier we had listed Jimi Bowman as being part of Berliner Eins, when he was in fact, the mix & mastering engineer on the duo’s 7-inch release, which you should make every effort to hear, since there are very few things like it in the current local scene. We apologize for this very rare mistake. -DL
(A) Futuristic, (B) Retro, (C) Organic or (D) Architecture « Dornob
In discussion with Dornob, he noted that one of the highest forms of praise one can receive is when someone tells you they recognized something as your design because it looked unlike anything you have done to date. His inspirations include such ground-breaking architects as Antoni Gaudi, Frank Lloyd Wright and Bruce Goff – designers who diverged from the mainstream styles of their times.
[From (A) Futuristic, (B) Retro, (C) Organic or (D) Architecture « Dornob]
Steve Ballmer doesn’t get it – Fortune Tech
Microsoft’s CEO knows the future of personal computing lies with mobile, yet he continues to live in the past.
I sat incredulous last week listening to Steve Ballmer display more out-to-lunchness than I’ve ever heard from a major CEO. His company, Microsoft (MSFT), only recently lost the battle of most valuable technology company to Apple (AAPL). He is presiding over the umpteenth reorganization of the company he has run for years, having succeeded his pal, Bill Gates. His online business, whose Bing search engine is making modest gains against industry leader Google, lost more than $700 million last quarter.
Yet here was Ballmer traveling down a semantical rabbit hole over the future of the PCs. In Ballmerworld, it doesn’t matter that the PC is shrinking in relevance. Any device is a computer, and people will want to use Windows because they’re so familiar with it. By the way, Windows 7, Microsoft’s latest release, is crushing it, further proof that computer users love Microsoft.
CEOs certainly are paid to put on a happy face and represent as well as possible. But hearing Ballmer at the Wall Street Journal’s D conference left me with one question: What is the guy smoking? Windows 7 has been a “success” in part because Microsoft’s previous effort, Vista, was such a stinker. Businesses the world over held off so long on upgrading their PCs that once Microsoft got it right they had no choice but to start replacing obsolete equipment.
Semantics aside, Ballmer knows as well as anyone that the future of personal-computer industry is in mobile devices. Here, Microsoft’s hand is so weak that its most important global equipment partner, Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), is buying a beleaguered smartphone maker, Palm (PALM), for its superior mobile operating system. Ballmer’s reminiscing that Microsoft was ahead of the curve on mobile software only draws attention to the fact that the PC kingpin’s cash, power, research and market might have left it approximately nothing in the phone arena. That’s not good. If the growth is in mobile devices and Microsoft can’t shoot straight on anything other than a PC or a laptop (and, to give credit where its due, gaming devices), then its fearsome cash flow and market position in the corporate enterprise mean less than nothing going forward. In the area of computing where Microsoft has been thrashed by Apple, it is nothing more than an extremely well-funded yet dysfunctional and emotionally scarred company. (This seems like a good time to point out that Microsoft has been pursuing tablet computers for a decade, the very segment Apple dominated in a couple months. But then that would feel like piling on.)
Drumbeats: The Tech Press Turns on Microsoft’s Ballmer – Newsweek
Microsoft has a problem—a big one. The problem is not just that its CEO, Steve Ballmer, has had a disastrous 10-year run. That’s been obvious for a while now, as I first pointed out last October in a piece titled “The Lost Decade—Why Steve Ballmer is no Bill Gates.”
It even prompted me to predict, last fall, that Ballmer would get pushed out of Microsoft this year.That wasn’t a popular position at the time. Microsoft’s head of PR called my piece a “hit job on Steve,” and told me all the ways I was wrong and stupid and off the mark. Then he pretty much stopped communicating with me.
I figured he was just in denial, or maybe just saying what he needed to say because he was getting paid to say it.
But my goodness, how much difference a year makes—because these days everyone seems to be piling on Ballmer. And that poor PR guy has a much bigger problem on his hands.[From Drumbeats: The Tech Press Turns on Microsoft’s Ballmer – Newsweek]
BBC – Music – Review of Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti – Before Today
Other highlights arrive in the 70s Bowie funk snark of opener Hot Body Rub, Bright Lit Blue Skies’ quietly euphoric pop radio charge, L’estat’s synth whirl and Reminiscences’ pleasant, aquatic drift. In fact, every track on this superb album is a winner – and, draped in the quiet glamour, fun and stateliness of bygone radio pop-rock, evidence that Ariel has emerged from his bedroom to exact his revenge on Hollywood’s Hills.
[From BBC – Music – Review of Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti – Before Today]
Thad Allen Letter To Tony Hayward: BP Is Not Being Transparent
WASHINGTON (AP) — Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen has written to BP CEO Tony Hayward demanding “more detail and openness” about how the company is handling mounting damage claims in the wake of the Gulf Coast oil spill.
Allen reminded Hayward in the letter dated Tuesday that the company “is accountable to the American public for the economic loss caused by the oil spill” and said he recognized Hayward has “accepted responsibility” for it.
[From Thad Allen Letter To Tony Hayward: BP Is Not Being Transparent]
‘The New Marijuana’: Where Do We Blow From Here? : NPR
Los Angeles, for example, is infamous for having more medical marijuana dispensaries than Starbucks coffee shops. These are the storefronts that sell medicinal pot, typically offering an assortment of designer varieties with names such as Super Bubba Kush, Granddaddy Purple and Hollywood OG. At Venice Beach, one dispensary has become something of a tourist attraction by using carnival-style pitchmen to lure in customers.
[From ‘The New Marijuana’: Where Do We Blow From Here? : NPR]
The ties that bind. Remember Rahm Emanuel’s rent-free D.C. apartment? The owner: A BP adviser
The ties that bind. Remember Rahm Emanuel’s rent-free D.C. apartment? The owner: A BP adviser
Walruses in Louisiana? Eyebrow-raising details of BP’s spill response plan
Louisiana walruses? Seals swimming along the Gulf Coast?
These creatures normally live in the Arctic Ocean, not the Gulf of Mexico, but they’re listed as “sensitive biological resources” that could be affected by an oil spill in the area in a document filed by BP last June with the U.S. Minerals Management Service. More than a month after BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig blew out and sank on April 20, the British oil giant’s regional spill response plan drew some severe criticism from the watchdog group Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility.
[From Walruses in Louisiana? Eyebrow-raising details of BP’s spill response plan | Analysis & Opinion |]