Inquirer hack switches to Apple Mac: ‘Fed up with the absolute turd that is Windows Vista’


MacDailyNews – Inquirer hack switches to Apple Mac: ‘Fed up with the absolute turd that is Windows Vista’: “”Hell has finally frozen over,” Dean Pullen reports for The Inquirer. “This INQ hack has gone Mac. I’m now using a Macbook full-time and expect to be using a Macbook Pro when the (likely) August refresh occurs. I’m also buying a 3G Iphone in July.”

Currently playing in iTunes: Brave New World – Impressions On Reading Aldous Huxley – 01 – Prologue by Brave New World : Bruce Springsteen : Barack Obama Reveals His iPod Playlist: Jay-Z, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen … And Sheryl Crow? – Rhapsody Music Downloads

63F55375-6B43-4ADB-B004-C56D58B8CE4F.jpg : Bruce Springsteen : Barack Obama Reveals His iPod Playlist: Jay-Z, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen … And Sheryl Crow? – Rhapsody Music Downloads: “Barack Obama Reveals His iPod Playlist: Jay-Z, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen … And Sheryl Crow?”

(Via .)

Currently playing in iTunes: Fou Fou by Roedelius

As a business user how can I transition to Macs? Check out Apple’s free seminar


As a business user how can I transition to Macs? Check out Apple’s free seminar: “I finally switched my personal and business computers to Macs almost two years ago. I quickly realized that much of the concern I had about the Mac OS were unjustified. In making the transition the most important thing, I learned was not to treat my Mac like my Windows computers. They are different. It took me a few weeks before I felt comfortable with my 17? MacBook Pro and a few months after transitioning I wondered why it took me so long to make the switch?”

(Via The Apple Blog.)