[Re]Encoded dot Com » Blog Archive » 42 Awesome Business Card Designs (With Links to 100s More): “42 Awesome Business Card Designs (With Links to 100s More)”
Currently playing in iTunes: Some Guys by Tuxedomoon
[Re]Encoded dot Com » Blog Archive » 42 Awesome Business Card Designs (With Links to 100s More): “42 Awesome Business Card Designs (With Links to 100s More)”
Currently playing in iTunes: Some Guys by Tuxedomoon
Louis Armstrong’s collage(s) of musical knowledge: “In 1968, Louis Armstrong received a Papal medal during a personal audience with Pope Paul VI. According to legend, when the pontiff asked whether the guest and his wife, Lucille, had any children, Armstrong answered, ‘No Daddy, but we’re still wailing.’ While this story is apocryphal, there are other oddball facts about the great artist that are not in doubt. For instance, did you know that Armstrong signed his personal correspondence ‘Red Beans and Ricely Yours’? Or that he never traveled anywhere without both a coffee tin full of cannabis and a handy pocket stash of Swiss Kriss herbal laxatives (which, supposedly, he once raved about to the Queen of England). Or that he liked to relax during down time by penning pornographic short stories?
Well another lesser-known fact about Armstrong is that, along with the medicinal supplements stowed in his carry-on, he toted reel-to-reel recording decks with him everywhere. With them he committed to tape concerts, conversations, his own playing and talking, audio flotsam from the Satchmo Universe. Even more impressive, Armstrong adorned the audio tape boxes with alluring and vivid Romare Bearden–esque collages layering photos, news clippings, concert programs, handwritten captions and other graphic elements. Armed with scotch tape and scissors, Armstrong spent countless hours entertaining himself, squirreled away in the den of his home in Corona, Queens, making visual music. Here is a sampling of the maestro’s handiwork:”
(Via WFMU’s Beware of the Blog.)
Currently playing in iTunes: March From A Clockwork Orange by Wendy Carlos
1972 Computer Space video arcade game on eBay: “There’s a working, vintage ‘Computer Space’ (wiki) – the first video arcade machine – on ebay. current bid is already over $4,500.
There’s a video of a simulation (not original play) here. More info from Antique Computer site.”
(Via Boing Boing.)
Currently playing in iTunes: Malpaso Man by Visage
Urine-collecting briefs for pilots: “Seen here is the ‘Advanced Mission Extender Device.’ No, no, no. It’s not what the name makes you think. It’s actually a garment that allows pilots to pee during long flights. Joel has more on ‘taking the ‘p’ out of ‘pilots” over at Boing Boing Gadgets.”
(Via Boing Boing.)
Currently playing in iTunes: Fade To Grey by Visage
We’ve recently received a review copy of Inner Paths to Outer Space: Journeys to Alien Worlds through Psychedelics and Other Spiritual Technologies, by Rick Strassman, Slawek Wojtowicz, Luis Eduardo Luna, and Ede Frecska. You can rest assured that our skilled technicians are studying the text and will post a detailed review of the results once we have returned from outer space. If you would like to play along at home you can run out and get your copy now. Or, you could post what you think about the premise without even reading the book. Isn’t that what the internet is for?
From www.amazon.com. Posted by jamesk.”
(Via DoseNation.)
8 Child Prodigies So Amazing They’ll Ruin Your Day | Cracked.com: “8 Child Prodigies So Amazing They’ll Ruin Your Day”
Monk building meditation center in California desert: ”
Buddhist monk THich Dang ‘Tom’ Phap is building a beautiful Buddhist Meditation Center in a very unusual and unlikely location: the barren high desert of Adelanto, California. The centerpiece is a 60-ton marble statue of the saint Quan yin, donated by a Malaysian businessman. Phap bought 15 acres in Adelanto four years ago as a home for the statue and the center that he hopes he can complete if enough donations come in. Right now, the place has no power or water. The Los Angeles Times created a lovely short video visit with Phap to accompany an article on his project. Link to video, Link to article (Thanks, Paul Saffo!)
(Via Boing Boing.)
Unusual German Street Performer : DivineCaroline: “Berlin street performer Johan Lorbeer has an unusual approach to street performance. Just by ‘hanging out’ on the side of a building, thousands of locals and tourists marvel as they walk by. He calls the performance ‘Still Life.'”
Currently playing in iTunes: Forever Is A Lonely Thought by Kayak
NonObject nUCLEUS motorcycle concept makes its boxy debut: “It looks like Dell’s not the only one that thinks boxy is in, with the folks at the NonObject design firm now also taking a decidedly hard-edged approach with their new motorcycle concept. Dubbed the nUCLEUS, the vehicle is described as a ‘zero emission, zero impact speed machine,’ albeit one that would seem to have a bit of trouble making sharp turns. That possible shortcoming aside, the concept is certainly unique enough, with it boasting an ‘animal-like behavior system’ that allows it to get up on its ‘hind legs’ when its in action and rest down flat when its at rest, as well as some interchangeable (but equally boxy) side panels. Of course, there’s not much in the way of technical details, but you can at least get a look at it from every angle by checking out the video after the break.”
(Via Engadget.)
Currently playing in iTunes: ICS Machinique by Heldon
1939 marital rating scale for wives: “
George W. Crane, MD, was a marriage counselor and wrote a syndicated national newspaper column called ‘The Worry Clinic.’ He developed a test in the late 1930s called the Marital Rating Scale — Wife’s Chart. Here’s the fist page of the test.
The test was designed to give couples feedback on their marriages. Either husbands or wives could take the test, which rated wives in a variety of areas. For instance, if your wife ‘uses slang or profanity,’ she would get a score of five demerits. On the other hand, if she ‘reacts with pleasure and delight to marital congress,’ she would receive 10 merits. The test taker would add up the total number of merits and demerits to receive a raw score, which would categorize the wife on a scale from ‘very poor’ to ‘very superior.’
(Via Boing Boing.)
Wired News – AP News: “Pop artist Robert Rauschenberg dies in Fla. at 82”
Currently playing in iTunes: 10 Weeping Wall by David Bowie
Loading “UFO enthusiast chases truth, seat in Congress – Salt Lake Tribune”: “
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UFO enthusiast chases truth, seat in Congress”
Currently playing in iTunes: 04) Chi Mai by Ennio Morricone
The Man Who Invented Mars – The Boston Globe
Currently playing in iTunes: Let Me Be the One by Exposé
Does the Earth’s magnetic field cause suicides? – health – 24 April 2008 – New Scientist
Currently playing in iTunes: 5 Minutes Too Early by Satanicpornocultshop
Flying entities of Mexico – A closer look : Ghost Theory: “Flying entities of Mexico – A closer look”
Currently playing in iTunes: a.Dough b.Weaponistic Charms c.Italyid by Zeena Parkins
MyFox Birmingham | Did Jesus Appear In An Ultrasound?
Currently playing in iTunes: a.Dough b.Weaponistic Charms c.Italyid by Zeena Parkins
Exclusive: Half man, half chimp – should we beware the apeman’s coming? – The Scotsman
Currently playing in iTunes: Sat’day Night In the City Of the Dead by Ultravox
SPACE.com — Huge Black Hole Catapulted Through Space
Currently playing in iTunes: silent command by cabaret voltaire
33 RPM 1.0 – Music transcription tool speeds up, slows down, loops audio. (Shareware): “33 RPM 1.0 – Music transcription tool speeds up, slows down, loops audio. (Shareware)”
(Via MacUpdate – Universal Binary.)
Currently playing in iTunes: Varglöpa by Vargavinter
Cusack aims to offend with war satire film – Yahoo! News: “Cusack aims to offend with war satire film”
Currently playing in iTunes: Varglöpa by Vargavinter
The Associated Press: Medical marijuana user who was denied liver transplant dies: “Go to Google News
Medical marijuana user who was denied liver transplant dies
6 hours ago
SEATTLE (AP) — A man who was denied a liver transplant because he used marijuana with medical approval to ease the symptoms of hepatitis C has died.
Timothy Garon, 56, died Thursday at Bailey-Boushay House, an intensive care nursing center, said his lawyer, Douglas Hiatt, and Alisha Mark, a spokeswoman for Virginia Mason Medical Center, which operates Bailey-Boushay.
His death came a week after his doctor told him a University of Washington Medical Center committee had again denied him a spot on the liver transplant list because of his use of marijuana, although it was authorized under Washington state law.
The case highlights an ethical consideration for those allocating organs for transplant: whether using dope with a doctor’s blessing should be held against a dying patient in need of a transplant.
The Virginia-based United Network for Organ Sharing, which oversees the nation’s transplant system”
Currently playing in iTunes: Track 05 by Pere Ubu
Aliens: Scientists Propose Flashing Mirrors on Moon to Catch ET’s Eye: “Scientists Propose Flashing Mirrors on Moon to Catch ET’s Eye”
Currently playing in iTunes: Mohnomishe 6 by Zoviet France
Obituary: Albert Hofmann, LSD inventor – Telegraph
Currently playing in iTunes: Mother Whale Eyeless by Eno