[From Death Trivia]
Category: Other
Other, strange, interesting or whatever does not fit into my other two favorite subjects.
Top 25 Censored Stories for 2007 | Project Censored
OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism
FOX using same attacks on Obama they used against Kerry
dictionary of street drug ( cannabis, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, et al. ) slang
Drug Slang
[From argot .com : dictionary of street drug ( cannabis, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, et al. ) slang]
If Obama had campaigned like McCain…
Get your booze tonight
#3 Election Day Alcohol Sales Bans
7 States prohibit the sale of alcohol on state and national Election Days. This restriction is a relic of the Prohibition era when saloons sometimes served as polling stations. The only states that still cling to statewide Election Day sales bans of alcohol at restaurants, bars and package stores are Kentucky, Indiana and South Carolina. Utah and West Virginia still ban the sale of alcohol at package stores on Election Day. Alaska and Massachusetts also ban Election Day alcohol sales, except that local governments are authorized to provide an exemption from the ban.
Wounded Bird: Political Candidates & Phones
Wounded Bird: Vote No On Proposition 8
Feds probe Countrywide’s ‘VIP’ program – Deep Background – msnbc.com
Local News: Ashland Middle Schooler Takes Dad’s Medical Marijuana to School | ashland, marijuana, medical :
Ashland Middle Schooler Takes Dad’s Medical Marijuana to School [From Local News: Ashland Middle Schooler Takes Dad’s Medical Marijuana to School | ashland, marijuana, medical :]
Democrats cry foul as voter rolls cut – Breaking News from New Orleans – Times-Picayune – NOLA.com
[From Democrats cry foul as voter rolls cut – Breaking News from New Orleans – Times-Picayune – NOLA.com ]
Listened to: Make Love on the Wing (Orchestral) from the album “Emanuelle e Gli Ultimi Cannibali / Zombi Holocaust” by Nico Fidenco
The Rag Blog: Salary Bonuses Constitute 10% of the Bailout
British scientists breed purple ‘super tomato’ that can fight against cancer | Mail Online
Like, Socialism: Comment: The New Yorker
Technology Review: The Brain Unveiled
ABC News: Rift Cracks ‘Demoralized’ McCain Campaign
BBC NEWS | Africa | Somali woman executed by stoning
YouTube – Fox News Jokes About Killing Obama
“We can still win this!” It’s your move John McCain
Some voters ‘purged’ from voter rolls – CNN.com
YouTube Videos Draw Attention to Palin’s Faith – NYTimes.com
Daily Kos: Anchorwoman In Biden Interview Married To GOP Consultant
Firedoglake » McCain Totally Losing It: Palin Is Qualified To Be President Because She’s Married To An Oil Facilities Worker
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 10/26/2008 | Sarah Palin’s hometown paper endorses Barack Obama
Wounded Bird: New Orleans TP – Obama For President!
Wounded Bird: “Wassup?????” Notice where I found this…
[From Wounded Bird: “Wassup?????”]
Georgianne Nienaber: Gumbo Granny Blogs From the Bayou for Obama
umbo Granny Blogs From the Bayou for Obama
[From Georgianne Nienaber: Gumbo Granny Blogs From the Bayou for Obama]