[From TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Indiana Supreme Court Won’t Stop Early Voting]
Category: Other
Other, strange, interesting or whatever does not fit into my other two favorite subjects.
Denver Checking Whereabouts Of 11,000 Mail-In Ballots – Politics News Story – KMGH Denver
Ioana Uricaru: The Palin Cultural Revolution
McCain aide: Palin a “diva” who’s looking more out for herself than McCain
Talking Business – So When Will Banks Give Loans? – NYTimes.com
So When Will Banks Give Loans?
[From Talking Business – So When Will Banks Give Loans? – NYTimes.com]
The Devil Is In the Details: Another Obama Connection You Ought to Know About « FOX Forum « FOXNews.com
The Devil Is In the Details: Another Obama Connection You Ought to Know About
Palin’s ‘going rogue,’ McCain aide says – CNN.com
Brandon Vedas aka Ripper Chat room Log
He takes fatal OD as Internet pals watch
Chatroom vultures egged him to pop more Rx pills
Truck Spills – Whale
21 Inspirational Typography Artworks from DeviantArt | Design Inspiration + Visual Art Inspiration | Designflavr
McCain Faces Internal “Palin Insurgency”
GOP Pulling Its Ads From Bachmann’s Race, Media Buyers Say
GOP Pulling Its Ads From Bachmann’s Race, Media Buyers Say
[From GOP Pulling Its Ads From Bachmann’s Race, Media Buyers Say]
Rich cheat on their taxes more, study shows – Tax Tactics- msnbc.com
Rich cheat on their taxes more, study shows
As the amount they make rises, so does the amount they don’t report[From Rich cheat on their taxes more, study shows – Tax Tactics- msnbc.com]
Wealth gap creating a social time bomb | World news | The Guardian
Wealth gap creating a social time bomb
• Race behind division in US cities, says UN report
• Beijing is most egalitarian place in the world[From Wealth gap creating a social time bomb | World news | The Guardian ]
The real America, really
StumbleUpon WebToolbar – Masters of disguise: Stunning pictures of the tricks used by creatures to camouflage themselves | Mail Online
StumbleUpon WebToolbar – McCain Adviser Endorses Obama
Loaded With Cash, the Dems May See a Party
Palin: Bush a major obstacle for campaign – Nightly News with Brian Williams- msnbc.com
Palin calls Bush a major obstacle for campaign
Republican ticket targets administration in bid to boost poll numbers[From Palin: Bush a major obstacle for campaign – Nightly News with Brian Williams- msnbc.com]
7 Bizarre Things (And 1 Bodily Fluid) People Use as Money | Cracked.com
7 Bizarre Things (And 1 Bodily Fluid) People Use as Money [From 7 Bizarre Things (And 1 Bodily Fluid) People Use as Money | Cracked.com]
Joe McCain’s 911 traffic call
Blame game: GOP forms circular firing squad – Jonathan Martin and Mike Allen and John F. Harris – Politico.com
Listened to: Seasick Softshoe Supernova from the album “Keep Shoving Those Double-Thick Slices Of Electric Salad Down My Throat” by Vas Deferens Organization
Woman admits making up attack linked to McCain sticker, police say – CNN.com
[From Woman admits making up attack linked to McCain sticker, police say – CNN.com]
Listened to: Haikara’s Belladonna’d Orca from the album “Keep Shoving Those Double-Thick Slices Of Electric Salad Down My Throat” by Vas Deferens Organization
Cathedral offers garden to sex abuse victims – CNN.com
Cathedral offers garden to sex abuse victims
[From Cathedral offers garden to sex abuse victims – CNN.com]
Elephant beats heroin addiction but cannot return to the wild – mirror.co.uk
Elephant beats heroin addiction but cannot return to the wild [From Elephant beats heroin addiction but cannot return to the wild – mirror.co.uk]
Defense contractors profits rise | Reuters
Ghost Hunters Live Halloween!!!!
Small businesses give big clues about slowdown – Economy in Turmoil- msnbc.com
Small businesses give big clues about slowdown
When high-rollers can’t afford the pricey details, the economy is in trouble[From Small businesses give big clues about slowdown – Economy in Turmoil- msnbc.com]
McCain Accidentally Agrees: Western Pennsylvania Is Racist
McCain Accidentally Agrees: Western Pennsylvania Is Racist [From McCain Accidentally Agrees: Western Pennsylvania Is Racist]