UnSecureFlight.com :: Read Your Own DHS Travel Dossier:
Read Your Own DHS Travel Dossier
Category: Technology
Technology as it applies to me.
Danger Room – Wired Blogs
Danger Room – Wired Blogs:
Do You Write Like a Terrorist?
Best Buy Adds Disclaimer To Secret Website – Consumerist
Update: Best Buy Adds Disclaimer To Secret Website – Consumerist:
In response to being sued and humiliated on the internet over their “secret website,” reader MK says Best Buy has added a disclaimer that warns customers that the in-store kiosk doesn’t display the same prices as the public website.
Nothing To Do With Arbroath: How rare shellfish fuel drug mania
Nothing To Do With Arbroath: How rare shellfish fuel drug mania:
How rare shellfish fuel drug mania
Google: YouTube to Kill Itself by Adding 30-Second ‘Bumper’ Ads Next Year – Gizmodo
Google: YouTube to Kill Itself by Adding 30-Second ‘Bumper’ Ads Next Year – Gizmodo:
YouTube to Kill Itself by Adding 30-Second ‘Bumper’ Ads Next Year
Mister Disc: Mister Disc, The “Portable” LP Player – Gizmodo
Mister Disc: Mister Disc, The “Portable” LP Player – Gizmodo:
Mister Disc, The “Portable” LP Player
Oddities: Bicycle for Two Seats Riders Next to Each Other – Gizmodo
Oddities: Bicycle for Two Seats Riders Next to Each Other – Gizmodo:
Bicycle for Two Seats Riders Next to Each Other
Copying of DVDs, CDs verboten – Variety.com
Copying of DVDs, CDs verboten – Variety.com:
Copying of DVDs, CDs verboten
Mini-Mag Orion Will Reach for the Stars – TFOT
Mini-Mag Orion Will Reach for the Stars – TFOT:
Andrews Space & Technology (AS&T) introduced an innovative propulsion system that could significantly shorten round trips from Earth to Mars (from two years to only six months!)
Hiroshima scientists create transparent frogs ::: Pink Tentacle
Hiroshima scientists create transparent frogs ::: Pink Tentacle:
Hiroshima scientists create transparent frogs
Natural History Magazine
Natural History Magazine:
Experimenters working with both kinds of dark-matter detectors know that a formidable competitor looms on the horizon. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), built at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, just outside Geneva, is now scheduled to begin serious operation in mid-2008. Once up and running, the LHC will be the world’s biggest particle accelerator. Dug several hundred feet under the Swiss and French countryside, it will accelerate two clumps, or “beams,†of particles many times around a ring more than five miles across, before smashing the two beams into each other.
BBC NEWS | Health | Tangerine peel ‘kills cancer’
BBC NEWS | Health | Tangerine peel ‘kills cancer’:
A compound extracted from tangerine peel can kill certain human cancer cells, research shows.
Bottle makes dirty water drinkable – Telegraph
Bottle makes dirty water drinkable – Telegraph:
The way fresh water is supplied to disaster-hit regions could be revolutionised after an Ipswich-based businessman invented a £190 bottle that makes foul-smelling water drinkable in seconds.
OpenOffice instead of Microsoft Office Tuesday, September 11, 2007
:: Saigon Times Daily – No. 3022 Tuesday, September 11, 2007:
More than 20,000 computers from Party offices nationwide will switch to using OpenOffice instead of Microsoft Office from early 2008.
Soundsnap.com: Find and Share Free Sound Effects and Loops
Microsoft starts a “Get the Facts” campaign…against itself | The Open Road – CNET Blogs
Microsoft starts a “Get the Facts” campaign…against itself | The Open Road – CNET Blogs:
In a very funny turn of events, Microsoft is out preaching to the industry that XP is a bloated expense hog,
Amazing Upside Down House
Amazing Upside Down House:
Amazing Upside Down House
Honey I Left It On The Toast » Yanko Design
Honey I Left It On The Toast » Yanko Design:
This toaster by Sasha Tseng incorporates a little message board where one can read quick notes. The message also gets “toastedâ€into the toast itself so it gives new meaning to “read while you eatâ€.
Clips: 35 Years of Tokyo Progress in 10 Seconds – Gizmodo
5000+ Resources to Do Just About Anything Online
5000+ Resources to Do Just About Anything Online:
5000+ Resources to Do Just About Anything Online
Justice Dept. against ‘Net neutrality’ – Tech News & Reviews – MSNBC.com
Justice Dept. against ‘Net neutrality’ – Tech News & Reviews – MSNBC.com:
Justice Dept. against ‘Net neutrality’
What has happened to this country? WTF has happened to our country?
Way Cool Tree House
Uses for these durable Spheres are limited only by ones imagination. Healing, meditation, photography, canopy research, leisure and game watching are just some of the things you could do.
Threat Level – Wired Blogs
Threat Level – Wired Blogs:
The ACLU report says at least 37 agencies and cities, big and small, from Los Angeles to Clovis
Roswell Confessions: New Witness Testimony | SCIFI.COM
Roswell Confessions: New Witness Testimony | SCIFI.COM:
See the shocking new testimony from Army intelligence officer Jack Trowbridge,
who speaks for the first time about the Roswell UFO crash and how he
personally handled “memory material” taken from the wreck site
Happy 25th Birthday, compact disc! – Engadget
Happy 25th Birthday, compact disc! – Engadget:
a copy of ABBA’s The Visitors. Nonetheless, this first widely-produced optical disc format would end up changing our lives forever, ushering in the era of lossless copies, easy music sharing, and an unwanted little friend we’ve come to know as DRM
Big Media losing grip thanks to the Internet and America’s political divide
Big Media losing grip thanks to the Internet and America’s political divide:
The American public as a whole appears to be increasingly critical of the news provided by mainstream media, according to a new report by the Pew Research Center
PISS-SCREEN.COM — // An interactive urinary experience – not to be mistaken with the Wii
PISS-SCREEN.COM — // An interactive urinary experience – not to be mistaken with the Wii:
The Brief
Encourage people to take a taxi home with Frankfurt Taxi Services after having a few drinks, rather than get behind the wheel of their own car.
The Challenge
How to capture the inebriated attention of any potential drunk drivers? Well, where do most people go when they’re drunk? (Apart from the bar, that is. Or maybe for a kebab.) They go to the toilet. As such, we thought this would be the perfect medium to reach our target audience in a fresh and impactful way.
Our Solution
The Piss-Screen – a pressure-sensitive inlay set within urinals, enabling users to play while they pee. We installed this newfangled creation in male restrooms across Frankfurt, teaming up with a variety of bars, clubs and cafés. The game itself was displayed on a screen above each urinal, and would automatically start as soon as someone began to pee. The player could then control the car whilst relieving himself – if they wanted th
Could black holes be portals to other universes? – space – 27 April 2007 – New Scientist Space
Could black holes be portals to other universes? – space – 27 April 2007 – New Scientist Space:
Wormhole study abstract
The objects scientists think are black holes could instead be wormholes leading to other universes, a new study says. If so, it would help resolve a quantum conundrum known as the black hole information paradox, but critics say it would also raise new problems, such as how the wormholes would form in the first place.
Senator pushes for expansion of “V-chip” video censorship technology
Senator pushes for expansion of “V-chip” video censorship technology:
The Democratic Senator for Arkansas — Mark Pryor is his name — wants to expand on the “V-chip” video content blocking program, and create a tracking system that could enable parents to censor content on platforms including TV, DVD, and the internet. A new bill proposed by Senator Pryor calls for the FCC to look into ways of blocking “indecent and objectionable programming, as determined by the parent” on basically all platforms capable of displaying images. As always, the devil is in the details: how exactly the FCC is going to figure out a method for precisely tracking obscenities on a “platform blind” basis remains to be seen, and the issue of classification of content is always sure to cause controversy. What politicos like Pryor always seem to miss is the fact that parental filters are already in place, albeit in messy meatspace form.