MacNN | Wozniak first in line at Valley Fair [photos]:
Wozniak first in line at Valley Fair [photos]
Apple co-founder Steve ‘Woz’ Wozniak arrived at San Jose’s Valley Fair Apple Store before 3:30 a.m. this morning to be the first in line to purchase iPhones. Woz himself — who is wearing a FastMac “I was there” t-shirt, was reportedly promised an iPhone by Steve Jobs on Saturday, but is waiting in line anyway to purchase more devices for his children and to experience the iPhone launch atmosphere. Whispers suggest that the first 50 people at each Apple Store will receive a special gift, and that the flagship stores have 580 iPhones in stock while smaller outlets are likely stowing lower numbers of devices. A Woodstock-like atmosphere reportedly surrounds those standing in line at the Valley Fair store, and sightings of founder Kevin Rose as well as the Mac Quicken team