Month: October 2008
StumbleUpon WebToolbar – McCain Adviser Endorses Obama
Loaded With Cash, the Dems May See a Party
Palin: Bush a major obstacle for campaign – Nightly News with Brian Williams-
Palin calls Bush a major obstacle for campaign
Republican ticket targets administration in bid to boost poll numbers[From Palin: Bush a major obstacle for campaign – Nightly News with Brian Williams-]
7 Bizarre Things (And 1 Bodily Fluid) People Use as Money |
7 Bizarre Things (And 1 Bodily Fluid) People Use as Money [From 7 Bizarre Things (And 1 Bodily Fluid) People Use as Money |]
X-rays emitted from ordinary Scotch tape – Innovation-
X-rays emitted from ordinary Scotch tape [From X-rays emitted from ordinary Scotch tape – Innovation-]
Listened to: Street Hassle from the album “Street Hassle” by Lou Reed
Rob Riggle Introduces Real Americans to Fake America | Comedy Central Insider – The Comedy Blog for Comedy Fans
« Before They Get Stale: Larry David, Alec Baldwin and Dave Hill | Main | Sarah Silverman’s Magic Purse »
Rob Riggle Introduces Real Americans to Fake America
Best Environmental Ads – Powerful Environmental Ads –
11 Powerful Environmental Messages These Images From Various Ad Campaigns Around The Globe Remind Us That The Planet Is In Peril [From Best Environmental Ads – Powerful Environmental Ads –]
The Blasting Psychedelic Color Explosion of Rainbow Arabia: Live at WFMU
The Blasting Psychedelic Color Explosion of Rainbow Arabia: Live at WFMU [From The Blasting Psychedelic Color Explosion of Rainbow Arabia: Live at WFMU]
Ron Jeremy’s Wind Up Toy: You Would If You Could! (NSFW)
Ron Jeremy’s Wind Up Toy: You Would If You Could! (NSFW) [From Ron Jeremy’s Wind Up Toy: You Would If You Could! (NSFW)]
Joe McCain’s 911 traffic call
Blame game: GOP forms circular firing squad – Jonathan Martin and Mike Allen and John F. Harris –
Listened to: Seasick Softshoe Supernova from the album “Keep Shoving Those Double-Thick Slices Of Electric Salad Down My Throat” by Vas Deferens Organization
Woman admits making up attack linked to McCain sticker, police say –
[From Woman admits making up attack linked to McCain sticker, police say –]
Listened to: Haikara’s Belladonna’d Orca from the album “Keep Shoving Those Double-Thick Slices Of Electric Salad Down My Throat” by Vas Deferens Organization
What the TSA’s new body scanner images look like
What the TSA’s new body scanner images look like [From What the TSA’s new body scanner images look like]
Chanel gun heel
Apple Forums & News | | iPhone, iPod, Mac, OS X, More
iPhones for Congress. Your Tax Dollars at Work.
[From Apple Forums & News | | iPhone, iPod, Mac, OS X, More ]
Folk artist’s tribute heightens Voodoo’s homegrown flavor – Keith Spera – Times-Picayune –
Folk artist’s tribute heightens Voodoo’s homegrown flavor
[From Folk artist’s tribute heightens Voodoo’s homegrown flavor – Keith Spera – Times-Picayune –]
AnandTech battery life tests: Apple’s Mac OS X kills Microsoft’s Windows Vista
The Unexpected: Battery Life in OS X vs. Windows Vista
[From AnandTech: Apple’s Redesigned MacBook and MacBook Pro: Thoroughly Reviewed]
Cathedral offers garden to sex abuse victims –
Cathedral offers garden to sex abuse victims
[From Cathedral offers garden to sex abuse victims –]
Elephant beats heroin addiction but cannot return to the wild –
Elephant beats heroin addiction but cannot return to the wild [From Elephant beats heroin addiction but cannot return to the wild –]
Defense contractors profits rise | Reuters
The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
Your congressman wants an iPhone
by Steven Sande on Oct 22nd, 2008 is reporting that members of the U.S. House of Representatives could be getting iPhones when they return to Washington, D.C. after the elections.
Ghost Hunters Live Halloween!!!!
Small businesses give big clues about slowdown – Economy in Turmoil-
Small businesses give big clues about slowdown
When high-rollers can’t afford the pricey details, the economy is in trouble[From Small businesses give big clues about slowdown – Economy in Turmoil-]
Influential comedian, ‘Dolemite’ actor dies at 81 –
Influential comedian, ‘Dolemite’ actor dies at 81
[From Influential comedian, ‘Dolemite’ actor dies at 81 –]
McCain Accidentally Agrees: Western Pennsylvania Is Racist
McCain Accidentally Agrees: Western Pennsylvania Is Racist [From McCain Accidentally Agrees: Western Pennsylvania Is Racist]
Main Street’s body count rises: the violent fallout from our economic crisis | Salon News
Main Street’s body count rises As suicides and murders emerge in the wake of the financial crisis, the fallout is increasingly measured not only in dollars but in blood. [From Main Street’s body count rises: the violent fallout from our economic crisis | Salon News]
If McCain wins, should we all move to Scandinavia?
If McCain wins, should we all move to Scandinavia? [From If McCain wins, should we all move to Scandinavia?]