Powell endorses Obama for president [From Powell endorses Obama for president – Meet the Press, online at MSNBC- msnbc.com]
Listened to: King Tubby’s Special from the album “Blunted in the Bomb Shelter CD” by King Tubby & U Roy
Powell endorses Obama for president [From Powell endorses Obama for president – Meet the Press, online at MSNBC- msnbc.com]
Listened to: King Tubby’s Special from the album “Blunted in the Bomb Shelter CD” by King Tubby & U Roy
Washington Wire – WSJ.com : Obama Rally Draws 100,000 in Missouri: “Obama Rally Draws 100,000 in Missouri”
Pictured: The incredible secret world at the bottom of the sea | Mail Online: “Pictured: The incredible secret world at the bottom of the sea”
t r u t h o u t | Greg Palast and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “Steal Back Your Vote!”: “Greg Palast and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “Steal Back Your Vote!””
The Best Foreign Books You’ve Never Heard Of : NPR: “The Best Foreign Books You’ve Never Heard Of”
Currently playing in iTunes: Visions Of China by Japan
Halloween ‘The Shining’ Party at the Timberline Lodge: “Halloween ‘The Shining’ Party at the Timberline Lodge
(Via Daring Fireball.)
6 notorious prisons offer ghostly thrills – Seasonal- msnbc.com: “6 notorious prisons offer ghostly thrills
Dank fortresses popular with ghost hunters put on shows for Halloween”
Earthfiles.com Environment | Part 1: Two Pennsylvania Hunters Encountered Strange Lights and Lime Green, Glowing Humanoid on Oct. 4: “ Pennsylvania High Strangeness – Hunters Encountered Strange Lights and Lime Green, Glowing Humanoid on Oct. 4 ”
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Expedition set for ‘ghost peaks’: “Expedition set for ‘ghost peaks’”
Steal Back Your Vote! from Greg Palast on Vimeo.
Elmo Live! gets stripped of his dignity, red fur: “Elmo Live! gets stripped of his dignity, red fur”
(Via Engadget.)
MacDailyNews – 5 of Amazon’s top 10 best-selling computers are new Apple MacBooks; None offer Windows Vista: “5 of Amazon’s top 10 best-selling computers are new Apple MacBooks; None offer Windows Vista”