Philadelphia mayor caught camping for an iPhone

Philadelphia mayor caught camping for an iPhone:

If we ran the world Philadelphia, it’s highly unlikely that we’d camp out in the dismal rain for an iPhone like all those “normal citizens,” but we’ve got to give props to John F. Street for roughin’ like the rest of us. Apparently, Mr. Street set up shop earlier this morning and made up his mind to brave the inclement weather in order to be one of the first to snag an iPhone. Currently, he’s waiting patiently along Ranstead St. at 16th St. in Center City to be third in line to purchase an iPhone from the AT&T store, and while we’re sure such an influential character could have just paid someone off to do the waiting for him, the reward will be that much sweeter when 6:01PM rolls around.

Update: Looks like the media descended on the mayor and the dude took off about an hour ago! Looks like someone else has his spot in line (now word on whether he’s waiting for the mayor), but we’ll have an update in our lineblog shortly.

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