FCC to investigate Comcast BitTorrent filtering

FCC to investigate Comcast BitTorrent filtering:
FCC Chairman Kevin Martin announced at CES last night that his agency will be looking into Comcast’s data-meddling ways. “Sure, we’re going to investigate and make sure that no consumer is going to be blocked,” he said. Per FCC rules Comcast is allowed to use “reasonable traffic management” solutions to keep its network running, but Martin said he thinks Comcast and other ISPs should be required to disclose filtering to customers even if it’s found to be reasonable. That’s pretty encouraging, but we’ll see how this all plays out in the industry — especially since NBC and AT&T execs were talking excitedly about ISP-based copyright filtering on another stage at CES earlier in the day

Hillary Attacks Obama from Every Angle – Politics on The Huffington Post

Arianna Huffington: Portrait in Cynicism: Hillary Attacks Obama from Every Angle – Politics on The Huffington Post:
Portrait in Cynicism: Hillary Attacks Obama from Every Angle
When it started, Clinton’s poll-tested candidacy came down to telling voters, “Whatever you like, that’s what I am.”

But it turns out that, so far, what voters like is Obama. So now her sputtering campaign strategy has shifted to telling voters, “Whatever you don’t like, that’s what Obama is.”

Zap to unveil “made for iPod” electric cars at Macworld

Zap to unveil “made for iPod” electric cars at Macworld:

It looks like the folks at Zap just couldn’t let the CES news cycle slip by without getting a word in, as they’ve just taken the opportunity to announce that they’ll be showing off their new “made for iPod” electric cars at that other big show happening this month. That designation, of course, means the car will be equipped with an Apple-approved dock that’ll let you both play music through the car’s speakers and recharge it using Zap’s so-called “Recharge-It-All” system. What’s more, it seems that those docks won’t be limited to just one car, with Zap saying that first iPod-ready cars will be available later this year, and that it expects to include the docks in every Zap car from then on.

Video: Casio EX-F1 shoots in SuperSlowMo

Video: Casio EX-F1 shoots in SuperSlowMo:

Ever wished you could reproduce those super-slow-motion shots taken by the pros. Now you can, with a catch. Casio’s new EX-F1 can record full motion video at 1200fps. That’s enough frames to catch water droplets fall in unbelievably detailed flight. Unfortunately, the EX-F1 scales things back to a tiny 336×96 resolution at that full 1200fps. Still, the results are startling even when set at 300fps (with the bonus of a much higher resolution) when compared to a typical camera’s 30fps recordings. See for yourself after the break.

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