French Taser chief hints at flying shockbot

Sarkozy Ufo1
French Taser chief hints at flying shockbot:
According to a recent report, the French head of stun-gun maker Taser has plans to create a “mini-flying saucer like drone which could also fire Taser stun rounds on criminal suspects or rioting crowds.” Antoine di Zazzo, fervent proselytizer of the electroshock weapon, is cutting through the is / isn’t torture noise of recent UN reports with the news that the non-lethal device is about to make a serious splash in France, with president Nicolas Sarkozy promising to hand one to every policeman and gendarme. Of course, once di Zazzo’s army of tiny, hovering stun machines take to the air — sometime next year — the police probably won’t have to worry about brandishing their weapons.

Universal Music CEO Doug Morris Speaks, Recording Industry in Even Deeper Shit Than We Thought

PITIFUL! He can’t afford that 5th home in Morocco!
Universal Music CEO Doug Morris Speaks, Recording Industry in Even Deeper Shit Than We Thought — Vulture — Entertainment & Culture Blog — New York Magazine:
As for his actual digital strategy, it’s pretty much what we expected — Morris’s singular goal these days is to limit the power of Steve Jobs and iTunes.

Top ten terrible tech products – Crave at

Top ten terrible tech products – Crave at
Windows Vista
Any operating system that provokes a campaign for its predecessor’s reintroduction deserves to be classed as terrible technology. Any operating system that quietly has a downgrade-to- previous-edition option introduced for PC makers deserves to be classed as terrible technology. Any operating system that takes six years of development but is instantly hated by hordes of PC professionals and enthusiasts deserves to be classed as terrible technology.

Saudi Arabia’s Judiciary Defends Verdict Sentencing Rape Victim to 200 Lashes and Jail Time

Images-1????????????????????????????????????????????????????????HUH? – Saudi Arabia’s Judiciary Defends Verdict Sentencing Rape Victim to 200 Lashes and Jail Time – International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News:
audi Arabia’s Judiciary Defends Verdict Sentencing Rape Victim to 200 Lashes and Jail Ti