Squirrels Complete Insane Obstacle Course – Video

Squirrels Complete Insane Obstacle Course – Video:
Squirrels Complete Insane Obstacle Course

Squirrels will do anything for their next meal – even figuring out complicated obstacle courses. This squirrel had no problem getting past this “Rube Goldberg like” track. But I like the squirrel at the end that figured out how to get free candy from the vending machine – maybe he can teach me that trick.

Natural History Magazine

Natural History Magazine:
Experimenters working with both kinds of dark-matter detectors know that a formidable competitor looms on the horizon. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), built at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, just outside Geneva, is now scheduled to begin serious operation in mid-2008. Once up and running, the LHC will be the world’s biggest particle accelerator. Dug several hundred feet under the Swiss and French countryside, it will accelerate two clumps, or “beams,” of particles many times around a ring more than five miles across, before smashing the two beams into each other.