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Target, Best Buy Investors Blast Donation Supporting Minnesota Anti-Gay Rights Candidate Tom Emmer
2009 Cornell University Solar Decathlon | Home
The Sculpture Park of Veijo Rönkkönen Is the Weirdest Place in Finland
Deep in the forest of Parikkala, in the easternmost part of Finland, lies one of the craziest tourist attractions on the face of the planet – the sculpture park of Veijo Rönkkönen.
[From The Sculpture Park of Veijo Rönkkönen Is the Weirdest Place in Finland | funny picture from web]
Forgot Mac Password? How to Reset Your Mac Password (with or without CD) – OS X Daily
So you forgot your Mac password… uh oh. Don’t worry, it happens and you aren’t out of luck. You’ll need to reset the forgotten password and there’s several ways to do this, we’ll focus on the two best methods; one does not require a Mac OS X installer CD and is a great hack, and the other is much more simple if you happen to have a Mac OS X DVD laying around.
[From Forgot Mac Password? How to Reset Your Mac Password (with or without CD) – OS X Daily]
Gold machine guns and pistols – most were never fired, just held for collection value.
The money and valuables found in this one house alone, would be enough to pay for health insurance for every man woman and child in the U.S.A. for 12 years! There are believed to be approximately 27 more of these houses in Mexico alone not to mention the ones in othercountries who are enriching themselves in the drug trade. These people have so much money, they make the Arab oil sheiks look like welfare recipients.
Their money can buy the best politicians, the best cops, the best judges, whatever they need they just throw down stacks of cash and it is theirs!
This is why the drug problem is so difficult to fight.
Confucius says: The Top 10 Quotes by Confucius – Global One TV
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Confucius, whose name literally means “Master Kong”, lived 551-479 BCE. He was a Chinese thinker and philosopher, whose teachings have deeply influenced not only Asian thought and life. He presented himself as a “transmitter who invented nothing” and he really pointed out the importance of learning, which is one reason he is seen by Chinese people as “The Greatest Master”.
One of the best known sources of Confucius are The Analects, a collection of his teachings, which was compiled many years after his death. A fountain of extremely mindful quotes springs from these ancient descriptions.
Many of them are universal and timeless in their beautiful and simple truth and they are as valid today as on the day they left Confucius’ mouth. Here we take a look at 10 of the most inspiring quotes by Confucius.
Confucius says …
1. “Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.”
It’s the “Golden Rule” and the essence of real compassion . Not compassion as in looking down on someone and have pity for another, this is no real compassion. Compassion means seeing another person 100% equal to yourself (in value, not in differentials on the surface which ultimately do not matter). In fact it is seeing yourself in every other person. And therefore you cannot harm anyone without also harming yourself.
It doesn’t mean to lose individuality or self-worth, on the contrary – but the other person earns the same gift.
2. “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.”
That’s my personal favorite quote since it expresses something very profound which also is very useful to know: Ignorance is a willful neglect or refusal to acquire knowledge. It is not widen one’s own perspective in order to see a broader truth. As an example it would be to have racist thoughts and not realizing that all men are equal.
The ultimate truth therefore is where there is absolutely no ignorance, meaning where the perspective or consciousness has become one with all that there is. In Buddhism ignorance (Avidy?) is seen as the primary cause of suffering. Liberation is Enlightenment. Another quote by Confucius here is “Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star.”
3. “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”
Those quotes are just perfect. What he is expressing here is that we have to experience something ourselves in order to really understand it. If we are hearing something it might be interesting. If we are seeing something it might be beautiful. But only if we feel in happening to ourselves we can really know how it is.
Picture something nice as winning an Olympic gold medal or picture something terrifying as the loss of a loved one. Can you know this by hearing it or by seeing it? Or do you have to do it and experience it yourself to really know it?
Along with this realization comes the awareness that you cannot understand someone or his actions from hearing or seeing it from the outside. You have to feel empathic compassion for him to really know what it is like. To know and not to do is really not to know. Only by applying our knowledge we can validate it’s harmony with reality, it’s truth.
4. “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”
Amazing. It calls for dropping the inner mask through which we constantly see and evaluate the world, distorted by our wants and belief-systems. Here we have to look at things as they are. Just like a newborn child would look at things. Then we are able to really see again, without instant labeling of what we see and therefore only really seeing our label. If we become able to do this – just for a second without judgment, we can see that everything in nature is as it should be. And in this natural perfection lies beauty.
5. “The Superior Man is aware of Righteousness, the inferior man is aware of advantage.”
Another quote is “The object of the superior man is truth.” It is the value of integrity: Do we act to our best knowledge of truth or do we bend ourselves and violate our integrity in order to gain an advantage? Do we play fair game or use perfidious tactics?
To be truthful to ourselves is also important to the development of (good) character. And it is the only straight way to liberation.
6. “Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.”
Whatever you do and whatever you commit to, do it fully, give your all – one hundred percent. It is the essence of Carpe Diem – Seizing the day and it’s surely the best way to be satisfied with what we do and get the best results.
7. “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.”
There is no failure, there are only valuable learning experiences. Or as Thomas Edison about inventing the light bulb said: “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” The important thing is not giving up, but learning and then improving by using this feedback to get better and ultimately succeed.
A quote expressing the same principle is “A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it, is committing another mistake.”
8. “He who learns but does not think, is lost. He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.”
Confucius explains the connection of learning and reflection. Reflection of that what we learned by thinking or of the results we get by applying the knowledge. “Study without reflection is a waste of time; reflection without study is dangerous” is a similar quote by Confucius. Learning is only useful if we connect the learning within our own minds, with what we already know and what is useful for us. This reflection of any knowledge also saves us from blindly following any knowledge without checking its truthfulness and validity to us.
I think everybody experienced learning when we really want this knowledge and interweave it with what we already know. If there is a need or problem we want to solve, the consume knowledge much more effective than it happens for students in many universities.
9. “He that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.”
This quote calls for planning and preparation. This includes getting and improving the personal skills we need to be successful. If we want to hold speeches we have to become good with communication skills. If we want to win a race we have to train for it. If we want to do a big project we need knowledge in project management. Steven Covey calls it Sharpening the saw, read about it here.
10. “If you look into your own heart, and you find nothing wrong there, what is there to worry about? What is there to fear?”
It shows that our primary work lies within ourselves: to work on ourselves and improve will automatically take care of the outside world if we use our abilities then. “When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.” The solution to problems is not “out there”. It is the Inside-Out approach: success and happiness can only be found by working on ourselves. It also entails the spiritual message to look inside and to discover ourselves fully.
[From Confucius says: The Top 10 Quotes by Confucius – Global One TV]
Jailbreak for Every iDevice on 3.2.1 to 4.0.1 | InsanelyMac
Jailbreak for Every iDevice on 3.2.1 to 4.0.1
Thanks to the hard work of comex, a new jailbreak is available for iDevices running 3.2.1, 4.0, and 4.0.1. This jailbreak requires you to visit Visiting that page will initialize the jailbreak process, and soon enough you will be downloading all your favorite 3rd party apps and themes from cydia! If you’re ready to enter the jailbreak scene on your 3.2.1+ iDevice, head on over to the website.
[From Jailbreak for Every iDevice on 3.2.1 to 4.0.1 | InsanelyMac]
iPhone Explorer – A USB iPhone browser for Mac and PC
iPhone Explorer lets you use an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad as if it were in disk mode or a flash drive. iPhone Explorer is an iPhone browser for Mac & PC that lets you browse the files and folders on your iPhone as if it were a normal USB flash drive or pen drive. You can use the easy drag-and-drop methods to add or remove files and folders from the iPhone. Compatible with all iPhones and iPod Touches including the new iPhone 4 and iOS 4 firmware.
[From iPhone Explorer – A USB iPhone browser for Mac and PC]
Youth Unemployment Hits Record High – CNBC
Global youth unemployment has hit a record high following the financial crisis and is likely to get worse later this year, the International Labor Organization (ILO) said Thursday.
YouTube – Coca Cola Commercial A Closer Look
App assembles the photos into one of six collage themes in near real-time…
it uses the internal gyroscope of the device to automatically take photos while you’re moving the camera around you. It then assembles the photos into one of six collage themes in near real-time. You don’t need to worry about aligning edges of photos; the app knows the orientation of the iPhone 4 during the moment when each photo is being captured, so it takes care of the alignment for you.
Rachel Maddow Responds To Bill O’Reilly Over Shirley Sherrod, Ratings (VIDEO)
Moving Mandalas and Geometric Animations from Light Weaver
Harvard Square’s Twisted Village to close July 25
The phone at Twisted Village rang again a little after one o’clock last Thursday afternoon.
Letting several rings go by, owner Wayne Rogers reluctantly picked up, already knowing the question poised on the other end.
“Yes, it’s true,” Rogers said gently. “July 25.”
Sunday will be Twisted Village’s final day of business, capping a 14-year run that would see the subterranean Harvard Square record shop sell countless vinyl discs, host too-many-to-count in-store appearances — Wizz Jones, Richard Bishop, and Thurston Moore among Rogers’s most memorable — and establish itself as one of the most respected music havens in the country.
[From Harvard Square’s Twisted Village to close July 25 – On The Download]
Alan Grayson To Republicans Blocking Unemployment: ‘May God Have Mercy On Your Souls’ (VIDEO)
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) said on the House floor Monday that Republicans are blocking a reauthorization of unemployment benefits in order to resurrect the America of the 1930s.
“There was no unemployment insurance back then,” Grayson said, in one of the more colorful speeches on the issue. “There was no State benefits back then. There was no help for the people who had no jobs. All they could do, like my grandfather, in desperate straits, supporting a family of seven, was to go to the dump and desperately try to find something he could sell.
[From Alan Grayson To Republicans Blocking Unemployment: ‘May God Have Mercy On Your Souls’ (VIDEO)]
“Back in the good old days” by Fabien Clerc. | A criação
Amazing Photos of Trees
BP execs should go to jail – Baltimore Sun
BP is a blatant repeat offender — a serial criminal. In 2005, BP’s criminal conduct resulted in an explosion at its Texas City Oil Refinery that killed 15 people; this was followed by the Prudhoe Bay, Alaska pipeline oil spill in 2006. In both cases multi-million dollar criminal fines were imposed. BP also paid hundreds of millions of dollars in civil and administrative fines for Occupational Health and Safety Administration and environmental violations. And now, BP is responsible for yet even more deaths and an environmental disaster of devastating proportions.
The multi-million dollar criminal fines paid by BP did nothing to deter its risky ongoing conduct. The fines were simply a cost of doing business for BP. The only way to change this dynamic is to not only charge the corporation but also those individuals responsible for the corporate crime.
If only a portion of the facts that led up to the explosion that have been reported in the media are true, there will be ample evidence to support a criminal prosecution. But the prosecution should not be limited to corporate entities. Reports of employees being pressured not to report problems and failures to follow the company’s own internal safety and compliance policies, indicate — at best — a cavalier disregard for the risks inherent in the oil and gas business.
Not Feeling Well? Perhaps You’re ‘Marijuana Deficient’
Scientists have begun speculating that the root cause of disease conditions such as migraines and irritable bowel syndrome may be endocannabinoid deficiency.
[From Not Feeling Well? Perhaps You’re ‘Marijuana Deficient’ | Brainwaving]
All Natural NyQuil – Hot Knives
As much as you’ll hear us brag that we never fall ill (largely due to copious amounts of garlic, onions and vitamin C) we do — once in a blue moon — get sick. And yes, we have chased the green dragon. NyQuil, DayQuil, other sorts of new fangled drugstore opiates in their generic versions. We will fess up. The stuff works!
But not this year. When one of us woke up last week with a throat tickle that blossomed into a gnarly case of the flu, we took it on with fresh produce, organic sweeteners and thimbles of liquor.
In place of Acetaminophen (pain and fever reliever), Dextromethorphan HBr (cough suppressant), and Doxylamine succinate (sleep aid) we used green chile, ginger, citric acid and booze — all herbal, if subtler, forms of the chemical stuff. A couple shots, errr, doses, of the stuff is perfect for sitting on the couch in a sweatshirt and sweating out your germs. Take that Big Pharma!
Optical Illusion Hinge Tape
Product designers Hyoungmin Park and Jeongmin Lee have created a tape roll with realistic looking hinges on it. It looks pretty interesting on a box.
Man With Neo-Nazi Ties Leading Patrols In Arizona
Minutemen groups, a surge in Border Patrol agents, and a tough new immigration law aren’t enough for a reputed neo-Nazi who’s now leading a militia in the Arizona desert.
Jason “J.T.” Ready is taking matters into his own hands, declaring war on “narco-terrorists” and keeping an eye out for illegal immigrants. So far, he says his patrols have only found a few border crossers who were given water and handed over to the Border Patrol. Once, they also found a decaying body in a wash, and alerted authorities.
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Legalising marijuana: The law of the weed | The Economist
Legally, California has also been a pioneer, at least within America. In 1996 it was the first state to allow marijuana to be grown and consumed for medicinal purposes. Since then, 13 states and the District of Columbia have followed, and others are considering it. But this year California may set a more fundamental, and global, precedent. It may become the first jurisdiction in the world to legalise, regulate and tax the consumption, production and distribution of marijuana.
[From Legalising marijuana: The law of the weed | The Economist]
Dumbest Idea Of The Year? | Talking Points Memo
That’s a tall order, especially in an election year. But Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today is publicly proposing a moratorium on any new regulations by the federal government for one year. Yeah, that’s right. The promulgation of any new government regulation would be stopped for a year, except emergencies like the BP spill.
Presumably this would halt all the new regs being written to implement health care reform, the ones that will soon be written to implement financial reform, and of course the gazillions or more obscure regulations that are written every day as part of the essential functioning of government.
With everything going on right now, the second highest ranking Republican in Washington wants to basically shut government down for a year. Brilliant.