Proposed FBI guidelines allow investigation sans suspicion: “Proposed FBI guidelines allow investigation sans suspicion”
Proposed FBI guidelines allow investigation sans suspicion: “Proposed FBI guidelines allow investigation sans suspicion”
Teddy Bear Cam: Homemade Teddy Bear Cam Catches British Caregiver Stealing Money, Not Shaking Babies: “Homemade Teddy Bear Cam Catches British Caregiver Stealing Money, Not Shaking Babies”
Currently playing in iTunes: The Gates of Ancient Cities by Chris & Cosey
Artist seeks medical curiosities to photograph: “Artist seeks medical curiosities to photograph”
(Via Boing Boing.)
Security: Mexico’s Rich Embedding GPS-Assisted RFID Tags Under Their Skin In Case of Kidnapping: “Mexico’s Rich Embedding GPS-Assisted RFID Tags Under Their Skin In Case of Kidnapping”
Researchers aim to detect skin cancer via scent: “Researchers aim to detect skin cancer via scent”
(Via Engadget.)
Currently playing in iTunes: Secret by Chris & Cosey
China blocks iTunes access, Tibet album suspected – The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
Currently playing in iTunes: Re-Education Through Labour by Chris & Cosey
AT&T prompting 3G owners to update – The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
Currently playing in iTunes: Re-Education Through Labour by Chris & Cosey
BIAS offers free plug-in from its Master Perfection Suite – ProCreative – Macworld UK: “BIAS offers free plug-in from its Master Perfection Suite”
Currently playing in iTunes: The Giant’s Feet by Chris & Cosey
Interactive map of “history’s greatest journeys”: “nteractive map of ‘history’s greatest journeys'”
(Via Boing Boing.)
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | World heading towards cooler 2008: “World heading towards cooler 2008”
Currently playing in iTunes: The Giant’s Feet by Chris & Cosey
A few speculators dominate oil market – Washington Post-
Currently playing in iTunes: A Wave by Woo
Audio: Binaural Beats Audio Played Through Noise Canceling Headphones Supposedly Gives You a Drug-Like High: “Binaural Beats Audio Played Through Noise Canceling Headphones Supposedly Gives You a Drug-Like High” – Engadget for your iPhone or iPod touch: “ – Engadget for your iPhone or iPod touch”
(Via Engadget.)
The state of the WIndows PC platform is just plain sicker and sadder today than ever (and that’s saying quite a lot).
Microsoft’s solution? Take a couple of the remaining Golden Girls, a few ditzy secretaries, some vacant soccer moms, and other assorted oblivious dopes who have never seen Windows Vista’s upside-down and backwards Mac OS X UI graphics rip-offs, show them a demo while calling it “Mojave,” then tell them it’s really “Vista,” record their breathless/witless gasps of surprise, and then play it back for everyone else who already know that Vista is the same old crappy Windows with bolted-on, system-taxing, upside-down and backwards Mac OS X UI graphics rip-offs.
“See, we told you Vista is cool!” So, how’s that working for ya, Balmy?
Microsoft is responsible for The Dark Ages of Personal Computing. Thankfully, the renaissance is finally upon us.
A third of new PCs being downgraded to XP, says metrics researcher: “A third of new PCs being downgraded to XP, says metrics researcher
Vista may be what Microsoft sells, but XP remains popular”
China’s newfound obsession with wine. – By Mike Steinberger – Slate Magazine: “Wineglasses Rising
Currently playing in iTunes: Cloches et Sifflets [*] by Telex
Suzuki’s Cars Will Run On 100% Ethanol in US, Brazil by 2010 : Gas 2.0: “Suzuki’s Cars Will Run On 100% Ethanol in US, Brazil by 2010”
Is GPS a high-tech crime-fighting tool or Big Brother? –
Currently playing in iTunes: Get Ready And Reggae by Poppa Tollo
Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti live on WFMU (mp3s): “Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti live on WFMU (mp3s)”
(Via WFMU’s Beware of the Blog.)
25 Worst Game Shows of All Time | TV Crunch: “6. Bowling for Dollars”
Frozen embryos ‘make healthier babies than fresh ones’ – Times Online: “Frozen embryos ‘make healthier babies than fresh ones'”
Every New Car Will Be A Hybrid By 2020 | Autopia from “Every New Car Will Be A Hybrid By 2020”
Why your student should take a Mac to college | Dr. Mac | – Houston Chronicle: “Why your student should take a Mac to college”
1. Issues are the last things a kid needs at college and Macs have fewer issues with viruses, malware, and icky stuff like that.
It has also been my experience that Macs have fewer issues with almost everything else, as well. This was my daughter’s first year away at college and she required technical help from me only once.
2. Most Macs sold today have a built-in video camera and iChat software. So it’s easy to communicate by video, audio, or even plain old text chat. Of course this assumes that you have a Mac of relatively recent vintage.
3. Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) includes easy-as-pie remote screen sharing that lets you see and control your student’s Mac from anywhere in the world. So, if your kid calls you up, frantic because Microsoft Word has disappeared from the Dock, you can take over the screen and fix it in just a few seconds.
4. Every Mac comes with fast 802.11n Wi-Fi built-in so your student can join most WiFi networks in the library, dorm, Starbucks or wherever — with just one click.
5. A Mac is the only computer that can run both Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows; a Dell, HP, Sony, Lenovo or other PC just can’t do that.
6. Every Mac sold today can run the latest version of Microsoft Office and run it quite nicely, I might add.
7. Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Home & Student Edition (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Entourage) is just $119.99 at
8. College students (and faculty and staff members) receive free iPod touches or iPod nanos if they purchase new Macs before Sept. 15. How could you not love a free iPod?
9. College students (and faculty and staff members) can save on any Mac, selected software and accessories via the Apple Education Discount available at Apple-authorized campus stores and the Apple Online Store for Education.
10. Excellent free software for producing masterful movies (iMovie), dazzling DVDs (iDVD), awesome audio (GarageBand), and wonderful Web sites (iWeb), and for managing digital audio, video (iTunes) and photos (iPhoto).
11. Free personal shopping assistance is available at all Apple Stores. I’ve shopped in a lot of computer stores over the years and Apple Stores definitely have the most honest and knowledgeable staffs.
And last but not least:
12. Because Macs are cool. You wouldn’t want other students making fun of your kid, would you?
Currently playing in iTunes: Neu! – 5 Negativland by Neu!