The Future of Things (TFOT)

 Images Rsgallery Original Toyota-Prius

New 125 Miles per Gallon Toyota Prius
The Pennsylvania based Lithium Technology Corporation recently demonstrated a new type of “plug-in” Toyota Prius hybrid car. The new model is based on advanced lithium iron phosphate battery which allows the hybrid car to travel up to a distance of 125 miles per gallon of fuel – making it possibly the most efficient mass-produced car in the world.

Lithium Technology Corporation (LTC) announced that its’ new lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) technology might be incoporated in hybrid cars expected to arrive in the market in 2008-2009. The Toyota Prius demonstrated by LTC was also equipped with a “plug-in” capability which allows it to recharge using conventional power sources (such as a power outlet in the owner’s garage). Currently there are no “plug-in” capable cars on the

Ears On: Listening Test Compares iTunes Plus to iTunes 128kbps – Gizmodo

 Assets Resources 2007 05 Itunes Plus

Ears On: Listening Test Compares iTunes Plus to iTunes 128kbps – Gizmodo:

Ears On
Listening Test Compares iTunes Plus to iTunes 128kbps 30,915 Views

Today is a big day for music downloaders, because iTunes is finally offering DRM-free music for your listening pleasure. To sweeten the deal, each also has a lighter AAC compression applied to it, 256kbps instead of iTunes’ customary 128kbps.

Called iTunes Plus, it’s available now, and all it asks is an extra 30 cents per song ($1.29 for each instead of $.99 for iTunes songs). Is there a big difference in sound quality between those 128kbps iTunes files and these 256kbps iTunes Plus songs? Let’s dig into iTunes Plus, grab a few files and compare them to the old-style locked-up tunes.

To access the iTunes Plus songs, a limited selection with only EMI artists thus far, first you must upgrade your iTiunes software to version Then, you simply

Worst Company In America: Contact Information For 50 Politicians Who Take Campaign Money From The RIAA – Consumerist

 Assets Resources 2007 05 Rippedwashington

Worst Company in America
Contact Information For 50 Politicians Who Take Campaign Money From The RIAA 15,579 Views

When you voted the RIAA the worst company in America you gave us an assignment. But how can we improve the customer service of a recording industry trade group? It’s not an easy task. Couldn’t you have voted for Home Depot? U-Haul? Anyway…

One of the ways the RIAA operates is by donating money to politicians who then enact favorable legislation on their behalf. Don’t let the optimist in you believe that this doesn’t work. It does.

But wait, aren’t these representatives supposed to work for you? Sure. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 50 congresspeople who took campaign contributions from the RIAA in the last election cycle. We’ve linked their contact information so that you, as their constituents, can inform them that they

TEAC’s $19,000 VPI HR-X1 turntable weighs more than your wife

TEAC’s $19,000 VPI HR-X1 turntable weighs more than your wife:

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Mmm, look at the old school turntable gone new. The VPI HR-X from TEAC features a belt driven, 50-mm thick acrylic platter which floats on an air suspension system at 33.3 or 45rpm. Packing a pair of 24 pole, 300rpm AC synchronous motors, this pup weighs in at 52.5-kg or 116-pounds. Oh, and It’ll set you back ¥2,310,000 or about $19,000 when these go on sale in Japan in mid-June.

Long Now Presents 77 Million Paintings By Brian Eno

Long Now Presents 77 Million Paintings By Brian Eno:
77 Million Paintings By Brian Eno
The Long Now Foundation presents the North American premier of the groundbreaking sound and image art installation & 77 Million Paintings by Brian Eno;. There are two public events on June 29th and 30th from 8pm to 2am and a private event for Long Now Charter Members on July 1st from 7pm to 2am. All three events will take place at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco and tickets are on sale now. Here more information on the Long Now event, 77 Million Paintings project and Brian Eno.

Conceived by Brian Eno as & visual music&;, his latest artwork, 77 Million Paintings is a constantly evolving sound and imagescape. The kaleidoscopic display of the projected images and slow, rhythmic evolution of the artwork create a singular experience for the viewer. In addition to the exhibition, the Grand Lobby will set up for conversations and refreshments, including a full bar, and will also have demonstrations of Long Now’s Clock and Library projects.

Apple has a great article about Brian Eno’s 77 Million Paintings project and how he created it using Mac computers.

photo credit: Brian Eno &; Apple

Nomac Factory Blue Tubes Effects Pack ships

 Img Sql News 5421-Img
Nomac Factory Blue Tubes Effects Pack ships:

DontCrac[k] & Nomad Factory have released the new Nomad Factory Blue Tubes Effects Pack, the third such pack designed for use with any VST – RTAS/AS and AU audio sequencer host. Designed by musicians for musicians, the Blue Tubes Effects Pack is a collection of six high quality plug-ins processors with a “Dual Analog Chorus,” “Analog Phaser,” “Vint…
These sound really really good.-MC