Tales of Ordinary Heroes in New Orleans
Tales of Ordinary Heroes in New Orleans:
Tough-minded heroes in New Orleans became the stars of Jonathan Demme
Nomac Factory Blue Tubes Effects Pack ships
Nomac Factory Blue Tubes Effects Pack ships:
These sound really really good.-MC
10 Benefits of Rising Early, and How to Do It | zen habits
10 Benefits of Rising Early, and How to Do It | zen habits:
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10 Benefits of Rising Early, and How to Do It
Every Friday is Happiness Friday on Zen Habits.
“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise†– Ben Franklin, famously
“Put no trust in the benefits to accrue from early rising, as set forth by the infatuated Franklin …†– Mark Twain
Recently, reader Rob asked me about my habit of waking at 4:30 a.m. each day, and asked me to write about the health benefits of rising early, which I thought was an excellent question. Unfortunately, there are none, that I know of.
However, there are a ton of other great benefits.
Now, let me first say that if you are a night owl, and that works for you, I think that’s great. There’s no reason to change, especially if you’re happy with it. But for me, switching from being a night owl to an early riser (and yes, it is possible) has been a godsend. It has helped me in so many ways that I
Obama Criticizes Automakers on Fuel Economy
DETROIT, May 7 — Senator Barack Obama of Illinois delivered a stern message to Detroit auto companies on Monday, saying they had done little to lessen the nation’s dependence on foreign oil and needed to improve the fuel efficiency of their vehicles.
Rig of the Week: Al Gore’s setup
Endlos – Free Fractal Generator
Endlos is a free multi-threaded fractal generator.
Thread Count Control
Smooth/Random Function Coloring
Color Map Files (Over 1,600 Available)
Mac2Sell offers online estimates for used Apple Macs
Got a Mac to sell? Wanna know the price of what you can get for your old Mac? This is fairly useful.-MC
MacPlus has announced a new free and international service to evaluate the price of a used Macintosh. “The Mac2Sell guide to used Macs” evolves every day and reference thousands of Apple configurations, standart or not.
Audacity 1.2.6 Review
Audacity 1.2.6 Is nice but I still prefer Peak, BUT Audacity 1.2.6 IS FREE! -MC
The Intergalactic Sound of Magma
The Intergalactic Sound of Magma
By Matt Howarth
Special to SPACE.com
posted: 03:08 pm ET
26 July 2000
Attend! If you are unfamiliar with the music of Magma, you are about to receive information to correct that deficiency.
Few bands achieve an intensity to rival Magma’s ferocious sound and clenched-teeth emotionalism. Although technically a jazz ensemble, this band’s style eludes classification as stubbornly as their music assaults you. Imagine a jazz collective in somber tribal-black robes, wearing amulets in the shape of Magma’s “Uniweria Zekt” symbol (the top arc of a circle whose bottom is defined by curved teeth, not unlike a geometric claw); they lurk at their instruments, creating music that is passionate and brutal and dedicated to telling an epic that spans galaxies and eons with its cosmic scope. Imagine a sound that explodes with a progressive fusion of jazz and rock, with touches of East European folk and mystic chanting, harnessed into a style that is akin to Carl Orff, evoking the imagery of entire species marching across the vacuum in celebration and quest for spiritual mastery. These are tales of a race searching for freedom and harmony with both their environment and their soul. Voyages spanning interstellar distance and conflicts between alien cultures are the hallmarks of this epic saga.
As if all that wasn’t enough deep-space science fiction for you, these tales are sung in Kobaian, the elaborate and evocative made-up language of an imaginary distant planet. Kobaian is a guttural tongue, fierce and imposing. The lyrics may be beyond your comprehension, but their ebullience and fanaticism are not.
The genius behind this decade-spanning concept is French percussionist Christian Vander, whose absolute dedication to the music of John Coltrane flavors his music with heightened spiritualism and intense sonic fervor.
ariel pink
Yes, Vas Deferens Organization is collaborating with ariel pink on our next release. We are very excited about working with Ariel.
Maker Fair Videos
See the Videos from the Maker Fair.
Survival Research Labs Show at Maker Faire 2007
Survival Research Labs Show at Maker Faire 2007:
These guys are still at it! I used to pay attention to SRL, guess I found other things to preoccupy my time. -MC
Apple confirms MySpace ban in retail stores | Crave : The gadget blog
Never did like the 5 min. total I spent on My Space. I did reserve the Vas Deferens Organization name (just in case I change my mind).
Apple confirms MySpace ban in retail stores | Crave : The gadget blog:
Brain-eating zombies invade SF Apple store!
Brain-eating zombies invade SF Apple store!:
A horde of decaying zombies invaded San Francisco’s downtown Apple store on Friday evening, hunting for brains, terrifying the customers, and gnawing on iMacs.
Beautiful Macbook Pro Laser Etching
Beautiful Macbook Pro Laser Etching:
Great example of how pretty laser etched laptops can be