‘Apple Has Destroyed the Music Business’

‘Apple Has Destroyed the Music Business’–What Was Left of It, Anyway | Digital Daily | John Paczkowski | AllThingsD:
NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker accuse Apple of ruining the music business. Speaking at a breakfast organized by Syracuse University’s Newhouse School, Zucker said Apple “destroyed the music business in terms of pricing” and will invariably do the same to the online video business.

Assault With a Deadly Camera

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Reason Magazine – Hit & Run > Assault With a Deadly Camera:
Frank Waterhouse of Oregon is suing Portland police after he was tasered and shot with a beanbag gun. His offense? Videotaping a warrantless police search on a friend’s property. The police report helpfully explains that the force used on Waterhouse (who was standing far off on the edge of the property) was necessary because, “He had refused to drop the camera which could be used as a weapon.”

YouTube copyright protection system unveiled

YouTube copyright protection system unveiled:
Yesterday YouTube unveiled YouTube Video Identification, a system designed to prevent copyrighted videos from making their way onto the site without the consent of the owner. Rather cunningly, YouTube requires that content owners send in a master copy of all their copyrighted content — y’know, so they can cross reference it against uploads (nothing to do with Google’s aim of indexing everything, ever … no.) Any data that matches the reference data can be deleted automatically, but only if the content owner says so. According to YouTube chief counsel Zahavah Levine, there will be a way for content owners to set it up so YouTube can scan content on other servers — removing the requirement for a master copy to be uploaded to YouTube — although Levine said that method “would be more difficult.” For who, Google, or the TV and movie studios?

Pete Lit: Six-Word Stories

Pete Lit: Six-Word Stories:
Six-Word Stories

Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in six words. Rumor has it that he considered his result (“For sale: baby shoes, never used.”) to be his greatest work. In its most recent issue, Utne reprinted a piece from the Fall 2004 issue of BlackBook in which that magazine asked 25 big-name writers to write their own six-word stories. Unfortunately, neither magazine had the story online, but here are some of the highlights:

Lights Out San Francisco, Turning Off Lights For One Hour

Lights Out San Francisco, Turning Off Lights For One Hour:
Lights Out San Francisco is inviting the residents of San Francisco to turn off their lights for one hour (8pm to 9pm) on Saturday, October 20th. The goal is to try and save 15% of the energy that is normally used on an average Saturday night and to encourage energy conservation.

The city of San Francisco has also pledged to turn off non-essential lighting for an hour on The Golden Gate Bridge, The Bay Bridge, City Hall, Alcatraz and other parts of the city and several restaurants will host candlelight dinners that night.

Lights Out San Francisco is a citywide energy conservation event on October 20, 2007. On this night, we invite the entire city of San Francisco to turn off all non-essential lighting for one hour from 8-9pm. To promote long-lasting energy saving, we plan to distribute free compact fluorescent light bulbs throughout the city. Also, watch for community events in your neighborhood. Join us and turn out your lights!

Here’s how you can get involved and for more info, check out their FAQ and blog.

The organizers of Lights Out San Francisco, are planning on making this annual event that takes place throughout the country. The first Lights Out America will take place on Saturday, March 29, 2008